NARUTO Manga and Spoilers (by: Naruto Addict) is the only weblog given consent by The Special One to re-post all his writings and predictions.
Naruto 471: No Holds Barred
by: The Special One
Posted: 05 November 2009
(Kisame stands ominously with his released Samehada in his grasp while meters apart from Kisame, Killer Bee scratches his face and thinks of a plan.)
“Hoshigaki Kisame, you’re missing-nin from the mist that assassinated those feudal lords yo! Now really I gotta kill ya, then Imma get some hard cash for the bounty on ya head, so I’ll make ya dead,” said Killer Bee.
“Ha, ha, ha… My reputation precedes me, but you’re the one that’ll end up my prey,” said the smirking Kisame. (Kisame snatches the short-sword from his shoulder and tosses it aside as he rushes toward Killer Bee’s position which is further away from his initial position.)
“Yikes, those spikes and dat mouth, I can’t afford to get touched. I’ll have to take that blade from him somehow,” thought Killer Bee. (Killer Bee gets into a striking stance while tightly gripping his short-sword in his right hand while Kisame draws near and thinks to himself.)
“All he has is taijutsu now that Samehada has released, which restricts his chakra usage over the entire area, I’ll end this quickly,” thought Kisame. (As they near each other, Kisame swings his blade diagonally with his right hand, while Killer Bee blocks horizontally, clashing against the sharp edge of Samehada’s head. In order to strengthen the guard, Killer Bee grabs his right wrist with his left hand, keeping the guard steady.)
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“He’s strong to be able to guard against my head cleaver with that short-sword,” thought Kisame. (Kisame then places his left hand on the hilt as well, which pushes force on the ground, which creates a small crater in which both Kisame and Killer Bee stand locked in an apparent stalemate, the scene switches over to Sabu.)
“Amazing, never seen such passion and emotion in the eyes of Bee before; if only he put that into his Enka… GO GET EM BEE,” yelled Sabu. (The scene switches back over to the battle. Kisame is starting to overpower Killer Bee as Killer Bee starts to falter.)
“That fools cheering is a headache, though I prefer it over your distasteful rhyming,” said the smirking Kisame. “Oh no he didn’t,” thought Killer Bee.
“chi, chi, chi, chi,” the sounds from Samehada.
(Killer Bee regains his posture and now it’s a stalemate again.) “Looks like that got you, but I’ll mix it up a bit, my sword’s hunger is getting to me,” said the smirking Kisame.
(Kisame pulls his blade back while Killer Bee gets settled. Kisame strikes downwards immediately with both hands on the hilt, while Killer Bee uses his swift movements to avoid and attempt to strike at Kisame’s left side however, Kisame quickly notices, which forces him to instantly lift up his blade with both hands, and switche his stance to be able to swings his blade up high horizontally near Killer Bee’s head, this causes Killer Bee to duck down. Killer Bee notices that Kisame’s right side is now exposed, so he does a slight tumbling maneuver and then gets in position to thrust with his right hand holding the short-sword. Kisame instantly notices.)
“He’s a quick one who can spot weaknesses once a movement is made,” thought Kisame. (Kisame uses his right leg to quickly thrust kick Killer Bee in the mid-section, which sends Killer Bee flying backwards, though Killer Bee’s hand is still tightly gripping his hilt.)
“AHHRGHGH,” groaned Killer Bee. “I never would have guessed he would kick me; how strong is this guy? Damn, how could he balance on one foot even for a second with that huge thing suspended in the air,” thought Killer Bee. (As Killer Bee sores through the air, Kisame gives great chase. As Killer Bee hits the ground and he lands on his ass, he notices that Kisame has an instant beat on his position. Kisame positions his Samehada with both hands on the hilt so that the mouth of Samehada opens up and attempts to take a bite out of crime [Killer Bee obviously].)
“NOW YOUR FOOD,” yelled Kisame. (Close up on Sabu shows that he’s worried. Then Killer Bee does the unthinkable. He takes his short-sword and sticks it vertically in Samehada’s mouth really far back which causes the blade to shake and not cooperate with Kisame’s actions, Killer Bee uses this time to prepare for his next attack.)
“WHAT,” yelled Kisame. “Sa, sa, sa, sa, sa,” groaned Samehada. (Killer Bee returns to perfect posture and immediate barrages Kisame with a jab, cross set to the face, and then to the mid-section for a total of 4 blinding hand to hand outbursts which causes Kisame to spit up a little somethin, somethin.) “AAHHH,” yelled Kisame. (Kisame wobbles stunned while Sabu cheers in the background.) “Dis fool still aint down yet I don’t think I can end it this way,” thought Killer Bee. (Killer Bee looks over at the hilt of Kisame’s blade.) “I see,” thought Killer Bee. (As Killer Bee grabs it, shark scales sticks out and stabs him in the palm.)
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“OUCH,” yelled Killer Bee. “The Samehada obeys only me,” said Kisame. (Samehada starts to crunch down on the short-sword logged in its mouth.) “AHH SHUT YO FACE,” yelled Killer Bee as he uppercuts Kisame. (Killer Bee rushes off towards Sabu’s position as Kisame is still stunned and his sword still wobbles. Kisame pats his face with his left hand to help him snap out of it.) “It seems Samehada will have to overcome this pain first before I can use it. Going head to head with him without my weapon is suicide, but what he’s up to,” thought Kisame.
(Killer Bee reaches Sabu.) “Why are you,” asked Sabu. “No time, I need that axe to counter him while he’s still out of it,” said Killer Bee. (The scene switches over to Kisame, as his sword begins to shake, inside its mouth, the short-sword begins to crack severely. Kisame looks back, he notices Killer Bee is closing in with a huge axe in his hands.)
“Damn it, I’ll have to hold him off until Samehada becomes useful again,” thought Kisame. (He drops his blade and begins making handseals. Killer Bee jumps into the air lands next to Kisame and attempts to split Kisame in two with the axe vertically, but at the last second Kisame utters a phrase.)
“Suiton: Wall,” yelled Kisame. (A circling waves of water acts as a barrier. Water is flowing out of his mouth and it protects him from the axe attack. [The jutsu is the same one Kakashi used to help him fend off against Kakuzu’s flame and wind masks, however it takes on attributes similar to that of the 2nd Hokage’s jutsu] Killer Bee continuously tries to push forward.)
“AHHHHHH I won’t let this hold me back,” yelled Killer Bee. (Water is still being circulated as the water continuously flows out of Kisame’s mouth.) “I have to maintain it just a little longer,” thought Kisame. (Close up on the Samehada’s mouth shows that the short-sword has now been shattered completely as the Samehada begins to vibrate.)
Next Time: Will Kisame make it to his sword in time? Kisame vs. Killer Bee takes a drastic turn.

____________________________________________________________Naruto 471: No Holds Barred
by: The Special One
Posted: 05 November 2009
(Kisame stands ominously with his released Samehada in his grasp while meters apart from Kisame, Killer Bee scratches his face and thinks of a plan.)
“Hoshigaki Kisame, you’re missing-nin from the mist that assassinated those feudal lords yo! Now really I gotta kill ya, then Imma get some hard cash for the bounty on ya head, so I’ll make ya dead,” said Killer Bee.
“Ha, ha, ha… My reputation precedes me, but you’re the one that’ll end up my prey,” said the smirking Kisame. (Kisame snatches the short-sword from his shoulder and tosses it aside as he rushes toward Killer Bee’s position which is further away from his initial position.)
“Yikes, those spikes and dat mouth, I can’t afford to get touched. I’ll have to take that blade from him somehow,” thought Killer Bee. (Killer Bee gets into a striking stance while tightly gripping his short-sword in his right hand while Kisame draws near and thinks to himself.)
“All he has is taijutsu now that Samehada has released, which restricts his chakra usage over the entire area, I’ll end this quickly,” thought Kisame. (As they near each other, Kisame swings his blade diagonally with his right hand, while Killer Bee blocks horizontally, clashing against the sharp edge of Samehada’s head. In order to strengthen the guard, Killer Bee grabs his right wrist with his left hand, keeping the guard steady.)
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“He’s strong to be able to guard against my head cleaver with that short-sword,” thought Kisame. (Kisame then places his left hand on the hilt as well, which pushes force on the ground, which creates a small crater in which both Kisame and Killer Bee stand locked in an apparent stalemate, the scene switches over to Sabu.)
“Amazing, never seen such passion and emotion in the eyes of Bee before; if only he put that into his Enka… GO GET EM BEE,” yelled Sabu. (The scene switches back over to the battle. Kisame is starting to overpower Killer Bee as Killer Bee starts to falter.)
“That fools cheering is a headache, though I prefer it over your distasteful rhyming,” said the smirking Kisame. “Oh no he didn’t,” thought Killer Bee.
“chi, chi, chi, chi,” the sounds from Samehada.
(Killer Bee regains his posture and now it’s a stalemate again.) “Looks like that got you, but I’ll mix it up a bit, my sword’s hunger is getting to me,” said the smirking Kisame.
(Kisame pulls his blade back while Killer Bee gets settled. Kisame strikes downwards immediately with both hands on the hilt, while Killer Bee uses his swift movements to avoid and attempt to strike at Kisame’s left side however, Kisame quickly notices, which forces him to instantly lift up his blade with both hands, and switche his stance to be able to swings his blade up high horizontally near Killer Bee’s head, this causes Killer Bee to duck down. Killer Bee notices that Kisame’s right side is now exposed, so he does a slight tumbling maneuver and then gets in position to thrust with his right hand holding the short-sword. Kisame instantly notices.)
“He’s a quick one who can spot weaknesses once a movement is made,” thought Kisame. (Kisame uses his right leg to quickly thrust kick Killer Bee in the mid-section, which sends Killer Bee flying backwards, though Killer Bee’s hand is still tightly gripping his hilt.)
“AHHRGHGH,” groaned Killer Bee. “I never would have guessed he would kick me; how strong is this guy? Damn, how could he balance on one foot even for a second with that huge thing suspended in the air,” thought Killer Bee. (As Killer Bee sores through the air, Kisame gives great chase. As Killer Bee hits the ground and he lands on his ass, he notices that Kisame has an instant beat on his position. Kisame positions his Samehada with both hands on the hilt so that the mouth of Samehada opens up and attempts to take a bite out of crime [Killer Bee obviously].)
“NOW YOUR FOOD,” yelled Kisame. (Close up on Sabu shows that he’s worried. Then Killer Bee does the unthinkable. He takes his short-sword and sticks it vertically in Samehada’s mouth really far back which causes the blade to shake and not cooperate with Kisame’s actions, Killer Bee uses this time to prepare for his next attack.)
“WHAT,” yelled Kisame. “Sa, sa, sa, sa, sa,” groaned Samehada. (Killer Bee returns to perfect posture and immediate barrages Kisame with a jab, cross set to the face, and then to the mid-section for a total of 4 blinding hand to hand outbursts which causes Kisame to spit up a little somethin, somethin.) “AAHHH,” yelled Kisame. (Kisame wobbles stunned while Sabu cheers in the background.) “Dis fool still aint down yet I don’t think I can end it this way,” thought Killer Bee. (Killer Bee looks over at the hilt of Kisame’s blade.) “I see,” thought Killer Bee. (As Killer Bee grabs it, shark scales sticks out and stabs him in the palm.)
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“OUCH,” yelled Killer Bee. “The Samehada obeys only me,” said Kisame. (Samehada starts to crunch down on the short-sword logged in its mouth.) “AHH SHUT YO FACE,” yelled Killer Bee as he uppercuts Kisame. (Killer Bee rushes off towards Sabu’s position as Kisame is still stunned and his sword still wobbles. Kisame pats his face with his left hand to help him snap out of it.) “It seems Samehada will have to overcome this pain first before I can use it. Going head to head with him without my weapon is suicide, but what he’s up to,” thought Kisame.
(Killer Bee reaches Sabu.) “Why are you,” asked Sabu. “No time, I need that axe to counter him while he’s still out of it,” said Killer Bee. (The scene switches over to Kisame, as his sword begins to shake, inside its mouth, the short-sword begins to crack severely. Kisame looks back, he notices Killer Bee is closing in with a huge axe in his hands.)
“Damn it, I’ll have to hold him off until Samehada becomes useful again,” thought Kisame. (He drops his blade and begins making handseals. Killer Bee jumps into the air lands next to Kisame and attempts to split Kisame in two with the axe vertically, but at the last second Kisame utters a phrase.)
“Suiton: Wall,” yelled Kisame. (A circling waves of water acts as a barrier. Water is flowing out of his mouth and it protects him from the axe attack. [The jutsu is the same one Kakashi used to help him fend off against Kakuzu’s flame and wind masks, however it takes on attributes similar to that of the 2nd Hokage’s jutsu] Killer Bee continuously tries to push forward.)
“AHHHHHH I won’t let this hold me back,” yelled Killer Bee. (Water is still being circulated as the water continuously flows out of Kisame’s mouth.) “I have to maintain it just a little longer,” thought Kisame. (Close up on the Samehada’s mouth shows that the short-sword has now been shattered completely as the Samehada begins to vibrate.)
Next Time: Will Kisame make it to his sword in time? Kisame vs. Killer Bee takes a drastic turn.
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TAGS: Naruto, Naruto 471, Naruto 471 Raw, Naruto Manga 471, Naruto Spoilers, Naruto Manga Spoilers, Naruto 471 Spoilers, Naruto Shippuuden, Naruto Shippuuden 471, Naruto Anime, Naruto Chapter 471, Naruto 471 Predictions, Naruto 471 Wordpress, Naruto 471 Blogspot, Naruto 471 English, Naruto 471 Confirmed Spoiler, Naruto 471 Read Online, Naruto 471 Download, Naruto 471 Onemanga, Naruto 471 Mangahelpers, Naruto 471 Spoiler Pics and Summaries, Naruto 471 Narutofan, Naruto 471 Narutocentral,The Special One Predictions, The Special One 471 Prediction, The Special One Naruto 471 Prediction
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