Featured Contributor of the Week:
Interviewer: Anko (with commentary)
About Me:
My name is Austin Johnson, most of you know me as State of Naruto (my cbox user name) but just call me S.O.N or State..
So what are your hobbies S.O.N?
I enjoy playing/watching American football, and basketball, like reading, watching animes and playing on my ps3! ..... To cut it short i like to live it.
Any dislikes?: when people are too serious (not getting into the idea's)
What else???:
I'm on the cbox mostly everyday, i got no problems talking to anyone, but most the time im having conversation with homies of minds Anko, S.Q, NSH, E.S, NA, E.C, and others, just wish Zetus-san, Numinous and Ironside would come on more, don't see those guys a lot.
I got no problems talking to anyone apart from those who don’t use their common sense or if they’ve never had it in the first place *coughs* not mentioning any names.. lmao *sniggers* like the people that fail at joking cause they only know -- “i fu*cked your mom last night” -- or even randomer chatting about smoking..wtf?! and yes..such a convo on WEED exists on a NARUTO site :S
Lmao... noobs watch out there's quite a few of them nowadays on cbox (specifically same people/person trolling)
Interviewee: Ah..cant agree with you more!
Okay, straight to the point S.O.N – Who is your favourite character and why?
Well lets see.....for me it would be definitely Nagato/Pain. Putting the toe & finger nail polishes to aside (never understood why a man would wear nail polish) the dude is a natural disaster.. completely eradicated the leaf like a typhoon or a hurricane, no other goes that hard
Um ok ! lol any opinions on Sasuke?:
(okay just so you know I'm holding back on this statement)
Sasuke is straight GARBAGE..only place this guy belongs is the ‘TRASHCAN’
Interviewee: *getting nervous..^*
Hm... He betrayed all his comrades like they were nothing but a piece of trash ! ..and does anyone else see that Sasuke doesn't use simple solutions to solve problems?? LMAO! The guy thinks there's only one way to accomplish something. Just like when Danzo was taking hostages, Sasuke thought the only way to kill Danzo was to go through Karin!
He could have used a genjutsu to make Danzo release Karin... or attack from behind ? but NOOOO he just got all retarded!! Fact is.. killing Karin was unnecessary behavior...*ponders*
Oh! and a lot of Sasuke fans say that ‘Sasuke Haters’ underestimate Sasuke -- WTH? I'm confused.. how can you underestimate a character that gets saved MORE times than PRINCESS PEACH off super Mario?? O_o
I enjoy playing/watching American football, and basketball, like reading, watching animes and playing on my ps3! ..... To cut it short i like to live it.
Any dislikes?: when people are too serious (not getting into the idea's)
What else???:
I'm on the cbox mostly everyday, i got no problems talking to anyone, but most the time im having conversation with homies of minds Anko, S.Q, NSH, E.S, NA, E.C, and others, just wish Zetus-san, Numinous and Ironside would come on more, don't see those guys a lot.
I got no problems talking to anyone apart from those who don’t use their common sense or if they’ve never had it in the first place *coughs* not mentioning any names.. lmao *sniggers* like the people that fail at joking cause they only know -- “i fu*cked your mom last night” -- or even randomer chatting about smoking..wtf?! and yes..such a convo on WEED exists on a NARUTO site :S
Lmao... noobs watch out there's quite a few of them nowadays on cbox (specifically same people/person trolling)
Interviewee: Ah..cant agree with you more!
Okay, straight to the point S.O.N – Who is your favourite character and why?
Well lets see.....for me it would be definitely Nagato/Pain. Putting the toe & finger nail polishes to aside (never understood why a man would wear nail polish) the dude is a natural disaster.. completely eradicated the leaf like a typhoon or a hurricane, no other goes that hard
Um ok ! lol any opinions on Sasuke?:
(okay just so you know I'm holding back on this statement)
Sasuke is straight GARBAGE..only place this guy belongs is the ‘TRASHCAN’
Interviewee: *getting nervous..^*
Hm... He betrayed all his comrades like they were nothing but a piece of trash ! ..and does anyone else see that Sasuke doesn't use simple solutions to solve problems?? LMAO! The guy thinks there's only one way to accomplish something. Just like when Danzo was taking hostages, Sasuke thought the only way to kill Danzo was to go through Karin!
He could have used a genjutsu to make Danzo release Karin... or attack from behind ? but NOOOO he just got all retarded!! Fact is.. killing Karin was unnecessary behavior...*ponders*
Oh! and a lot of Sasuke fans say that ‘Sasuke Haters’ underestimate Sasuke -- WTH? I'm confused.. how can you underestimate a character that gets saved MORE times than PRINCESS PEACH off super Mario?? O_o
Any pic/s you’d like to share with everybody? :
Yes .....

Caption: A face only a fan boy could love ^ XD or like my good friend NSH would say: SASUKE IS MORE VERY EVIL !!!!!
Interviewer: loool@ NSH. More like ‘SASUKE NOT HAVE SAKURA, NARUTO MARRY SAKURA! SHES BEAUTIFUL U LIKE NO??!’ (posting narusaku hentai spam links) ....haha sorry got carried away S.O.N- Hes a special case :P
Last question > What do you wish for in 2010 Naruto?
..Well whatever happens whether i like it or not - ‘I’ll still be around (muwahahaha)
Actually, i wish for Naruto to grow up and use his clones because after he beat Pain, the guy lost his balls - letting a GIRL (whats her name ??)
Interviewee: um dnt know..
Continuation:.. whoop his ass, crying to Raikage then on top of all that hyperventilating..and yes.. all this over SASUKE.
(Shaking head) walking away from the interview
Commentary: er..chotto! S.O.N? ....*blink blink*...sheesh hes gone.. (“,)
Anyways..hope you’ve all become somewhat familiar to S.O.N and his character now! :D Please feel free to post your (clean) thoughts below and look forward to the next featured reader! Thank You!
Interviewer: loool@ NSH. More like ‘SASUKE NOT HAVE SAKURA, NARUTO MARRY SAKURA! SHES BEAUTIFUL U LIKE NO??!’ (posting narusaku hentai spam links) ....haha sorry got carried away S.O.N- Hes a special case :P
Last question > What do you wish for in 2010 Naruto?
..Well whatever happens whether i like it or not - ‘I’ll still be around (muwahahaha)
Actually, i wish for Naruto to grow up and use his clones because after he beat Pain, the guy lost his balls - letting a GIRL (whats her name ??)
Interviewee: um dnt know..
Continuation:.. whoop his ass, crying to Raikage then on top of all that hyperventilating..and yes.. all this over SASUKE.
(Shaking head) walking away from the interview
Commentary: er..chotto! S.O.N? ....*blink blink*...sheesh hes gone.. (“,)
Anyways..hope you’ve all become somewhat familiar to S.O.N and his character now! :D Please feel free to post your (clean) thoughts below and look forward to the next featured reader! Thank You!
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