Naruto 483: Master and Student Meet Again
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by: on3word - NF
Something amazing happens.
If Sakura deals the final blow to Karin, Sasuke will replace her on his team. So she stands before Karin with a kunai. If she takes out Sasuke now though, she could end everything~
Sasuke uses Chidori from behind and aims for the head, trying to stab her. Kakashi appears and saves Sakura. He intended to kill her…Sasuke has fallen.
Some conversational exachanges occur.
Kakashi: I don’t want to kill you.
Sasuke: Ha, you always talk as if you could kill me sensei. But it’s I that has been itching to kill you, Kakashi.
And some more after that, he says at the end..
Kakashi: I now understand what the 3rd meant. In the way Orochimaru has fallen, I’m afraid I’ve no choice…
Sasuke: Fine, so then you will follow in the 3rd’s footsteps then!!
It ends there (Kakashi tells Sakura to get away as she’s treating Karin.)
Kakashi: Sakura, don’t be burdened into thinking you have to take out Sasuke alone. That is my duty. Don’t be obsessed with revenge like Sasuke.
Sasuke: Itachi…my father and mother…the clan…if you can bring them all back, then I’ll stop!!
Kakashi: Sorry Sakura for being nothing but irresponsible…(is this a sign he might die?) Sakura, I’m leaving this kid [Karin] to you. You probably know the enemies circumstances well. You have time to treat her and get away. Leave this to me.
Sakura didn’t commit suicide after all.
Sasuke VS Kakashi.
Will Naruto make an appearance too?
Translation by Shounensuki
If Sakura finishes Karin off, Sasuke will take her in as her replacement.
Well, she is standing in front of Karin with a kunai in her hand. If I stab Sasuke-kun now, all will be over.
As she is thinking something like that, behind her, Sasuke aims a Chidori to the back of Sakura’s head and is about to about to pierce her.
At that moment, Kakashi appears and saves Sakura. “Real intent to kill… You really sunk low, didn’t you Sasuke”
Then some arguing back and forth
Kakashi: “I don’t want to kill you”
Sasuke: “Heh, you’re always saying things about killing me, sensei. I’m itching to kill you, though, Kakashi.”
Well, after this is the conclusion
Kakashi: “I now understand how the Sandaime must have felt. Even though Orochimaru sunk so low, he still couldn’t help but care…”
Sasuke: “Well, then you’re making the same mistake he did!!”
It ends with this. (Sakura is telling Kakashi that she’s giving Karin medical treatment so they can leave immediately after this)
by: Shounensuki
If Sakura finishes Karin off, Sasuke will take her in as her replacement.
Well, she is standing in front of Karin with a kunai in her hand. If I stab Sasuke-kun now, all will be over.
As she is thinking something like that, behind her, Sasuke aims a Chidori to the back of Sakura's head and is about to about to pierce her.
At that moment, Kakashi appears and saves Sakura. "Real intent to kill... You really sunk low, didn't you Sasuke"
Then some arguing back and forth
Kakashi: "I don't want to kill you"
Sasuke: "Heh, you're always saying things about killing me, sensei. I'm itching to kill you, though, Kakashi."
Well, after this is the conclusion
Kakashi: "I now understand how the Sandaime must have felt. Even though Orochimaru sunk so low, he still couldn't help but care..."
Sasuke: "Well, then you're making the same mistake he did!!"
It ends with this. (Sakura is telling Kakashi that she's giving Karin medical treatment so they can leave immediately after this)
Status: FAKE
Contributed by: Unknown - 2Ch
Translation of spoiler:
Sasuke looks puzzled from Sakuras proposal
Sakura: I want to help you Sasuke
A serious eye contact but Sakura comprimises
Sakura: Is even if my today purpose crushes the leaf,
“… If [sasuke] you hope for it, I ….
But sasuke shakes head
Sasuke: “… The road where I will walk in the future is sura’s useless road … It is not possible to become a demon in you. ”
Sakura puts her fist in Karin’s face and it lowers.
Karin’s face collapses, and blood scatters to the face of Sakura.
It is not heard, and however, the sakura drops it this time and drops a throw of the face aiming about Karin who became blood-stained when the splinter of the collapsed pillar is lifted to overhead high.
The skull collapses with terrific impact because of the blow, and it scatters to surroundings with the brains that belonged to Karin before like the tomato to which vast blood and the eyeball gone out collapse.
The sakura looked up, and the face that had floated a ghostly smile was turned.
「I can do unabashedly even by such a thing for [sasuke] you. I think this to be proof of my resolution. 」
… It is passing. ”
It ends obviously because of the improvement of [sasuke] that the face has a cramp because of doing too much.
[Aori]: [Sakurasa] ..turning over.. … finally.
by minato...............
Sasuke looks puzzled from Sakuras proposal
Sakura: I want to help you Sasuke
A serious eye contact but Sakura comprimises
Sakura: Is even if my today purpose crushes the leaf,
“… If [sasuke] you hope for it, I ….
But sasuke shakes head
Sasuke: “… The road where I will walk in the future is sura’s useless road … It is not possible to become a demon in you. ”
Sakura puts her fist in Karin’s face and it lowers.
Karin’s face collapses, and blood scatters to the face of Sakura.
It is not heard, and however, the sakura drops it this time and drops a throw of the face aiming about Karin who became blood-stained when the splinter of the collapsed pillar is lifted to overhead high.
The skull collapses with terrific impact because of the blow, and it scatters to surroundings with the brains that belonged to Karin before like the tomato to which vast blood and the eyeball gone out collapse.
The sakura looked up, and the face that had floated a ghostly smile was turned.
「I can do unabashedly even by such a thing for [sasuke] you. I think this to be proof of my resolution. 」
… It is passing. ”
It ends obviously because of the improvement of [sasuke] that the face has a cramp because of doing too much.
[Aori]: [Sakurasa] ..turning over.. … finally.
by minato...............
by: The Icon
Naruto 483: Reunion
By: The Icon
(what is sakura thinking does she really want to leave konoha for sasuke or is it just a plot to kill him)
sasuke: what are you doing here sakura don't you have better things to do than chasing me around.
Sakura:(talking to herself) sasuke what in the world happened to you this can't be sasuke. no way
sasuke:( with an evil smile on his face he says) you know sakura i thought you was smarter than naruto. i don't need you too be chasing after me.
Sakura: (looking at karin) hmm wait a minute.....that...that girl she was the one i saw when we was chasing after sasuke and itachi and she was in his team of 4 as kakashi said so why?
Sasuke: (looking at karin he remembers when she helped him when he was injured) see yah karin you know too much about the plan.
Karin: is this what i get for trying to help you sasuke. you once helped me in the chunin exam and the look on your face made me happy and so was you. i thought after you got you revenge you would turn to the light but you are turning more and more towards the darkness all i wanted to do is make you happy as you once made me.
Sasuke: Karin i am happy i just have kill two more people and i have what i wanted i will make them pay for what the did to my brother. i'm sick of you die( sasuke pierce karin with his chidori from his hand or so we think)
Kakashi scene
Kakashi: sakura what are you doing?. pakun have you got sakura's scents yet?
Pakkun: no not yet. wait yes i got it and it seem like sakura has met up with sasuke. and there is alot of ruins seems like a huge battle too k place we better hurry kakashi
Kakashi: i know lets hurry itz time i see what sasuke can really do since the last time i saw him (kakashi have a flashback of his speach to sasuke about loosing everyone close to them)
Naruto's scene
Sage Naruto: (jumping through the trees) hmmm whats that down there bushy brow, sai, kiba what happenen
Sai:( kiba and lee is knocked out) (almost knocked out) sakura used a sleep bomb on us so we couldn't follow her. we tried to stop her but she got us in the moment of surprise. she seems really determind naruto(sai is knocked out the bomb was in full affect)
Naruto: thanks sai i can sence kakashi's chakra he is fast i need to catch up (naruto combines his fox power with sage eyes) i must hurry before she does anything stupid (naruto is a fast as ever he seem as fast as lee in 8 gates mode)
Sakura and sasuke scene
sakura; (just as sasuke was about to stan karin sakura is there grabing sasuke's hand) sasuke what are you doing wasn't she part of your group have you become so blind by hatred that you don't know a friend or an enemy what happened to you sasuke?
Karin; so she knows him ahh now i remember she was the one i saw back then (karin has the flashback) she seem to know him
Sasuke: sakura do you think that you can stop me from my destiny ahh? i will have my revenge on kohana
Sakura: revenge on kohana? what are you talking about?
Sasuke: you don't need to know because you going to die (sasuke with ounces of chakra left he run chidori through his body and sakura is caught in it because she is still holding on to his hand)
Sakura :damn it i can't move
Sasuke: sakura you should know never be at close range with a long range fighter. you should have been training instead of chasing after me. ( sakura is on the floor and sasuke is going to kill her with chidori just like what he was going to do with karin or so he thought)
Kakashi: (kakashi appears suddenly taking sakura off the groung before sasuke could do anything)
Naruto: (naruto is suddenly in front of sasuke with both fox and sage eyes combine screaming ) was you going to kill her sasuke ah was you going to kill her.
Next Issue: Into The Darkness
by: Woo
Naruto 483
Lives Are Changing. For The Better Or Worst? New Faces? Old Faces?
Sasuke/Sakura Scene
Sasuke – Hmph... Even without my sharingan I can see your intentions... Sakura.
Sakura – (softly) Even Naruto had trouble believing me. (Shout) WHY CAN'T YOU SASUKE! I WILL FOLLOW YOU TO THE END OF THE WORLD AND BACK!
Sasuke is in front of Sakura – Stop lying to yourself. (attempts to strike)
Sakura – I'm not weak anymore... Sasuke-Kun. (She punches Sasuke, but moments on impact it was a subsitution)
Sasuke – You've gotten stronger... But your still a pathetic excuse for a ninja.
Sakura – I don't want to fight, I want to follow you Sasuke-Kun. What must I do to prove it?
Sasuke – Hmm? How about... Signing a blood contract.... If anything were to happen to me, say I was killed. You will die too. Are you willing to show your loyalty by signing this contract.
Sakura – (Thinking) Oh Crap. What do I do?
Kakashi Scene
Kakashi – Summoning Technique! Pakun! Sniff out the area.
Pakun – Yes! (sniff sniff sniff)There are 4 individuals less than 1 km ahead of us. 2 individuals less than 2 km ahead of us. And Naruto holding me in his hand.... -.-
Kakashi – You were to be taken back to the village.
Naruto – I Couldn't! Not now... Sasuke and Sakura they've confronted each other. We must hurry.
Kakashi – No point in telling you to go back... You will still disobey me.
Naruto – Yes Kakashi Sensei. Sorry. (They sped themselves up)
Madara/Danzo Scene
Madara – You smart old fool... Crushing the eye huh? But you are a simpleton... You wouldn't be worries about these eyes. I'm sure you have more hidden in the last place anyone will look... Orochimaru's old Konoha lab. Or should I just find Kabuto? He should know. Why am I talking to myself in such a gloomy room with a dead body?
Raikage/KillerBee Scene
KillerBee ignoring his brother poking the head of Kisame – Eww... You say something?
Raikage smacking KillerBee's head – Argh! Let's go, we must find the Kyubi Jinchuuriki.
Company – Yes!
Mizukage and Co Scene
Mizukage – Lets hurry and find Danzo. Ao!
Ao – Byakugan! Several ninjas in a 5 km radius.
Mizukage – Moveout!
Myobokuzan Scene
Fukasaku – Whew! That was some battle.
Shima – Even thought you died for half of it. Good that you were brought back though. So... Nagato The boy with the rinnegan and Naruto... The......
Fukasaku – We must leave!
Shima – Stop interrupting Me Fukasaku. Well like I was say....
Fukasaku – The Elder is calling us.
Shima – Oh?
Fukasaku – He says we'll be seeing and old face again....
Shima – Jiraiya? Minato?
Fukasaku – Just drink your tea fast and hurry.
What will happen between Sasuke and Sakura?
What will Kakashi do with Naruto accompanying him?
How will Madara solve his question?
What will happen to Raikage and Co? And Mizukage and Co?
Who is this old face?
I don't know the answers...
by: Musica
Naruto 483
(Sasuke's Scene)
Sakura : Don't go Sasuke-kun, i'll come with you. I will leave everything behind and i will follow you. (Your eyes are different Sasuke-kun, there is so much hatred in you)
Sasuke : Sakura, you planned to leave Konoha?? you don't have to because i am going to DESTROY everything that is on that village.*Sharingan activated.
*Sasuke covering his eyes in pain*
(I need to rest first, is she really leaving with me or is it a trap)
Sakura : (Trembling) You don't have to kill her, i can save her. I know medical jutsu. *Sakura kneel down as green light glows on her hands healing Karin*
Karin:*eyes blurry* (Who is this? why is she saving me? is that konoha Hitai-ite? Sasuke-kun.....)*Karin closes her eyes*
Sasuke : (She can be useful to me...) Stop what you are doing Sakura, i don't need her anymore, she has served her purpose. She is just another tool for me to reach my goals. *Chidori activated*
Sakura : No Sasuke-kun, we can't just leave her here. She is your comrade, your teammate, your friend. *Looking down*
Sasuke : I knew it. You Konoha ninja are just as pathetic and weak. With my hate towards konoha, i will become stronger. I said STOP HEALING HER...!!! *Charges at Sakura and Karin with Chidori.
Sakura : !!!! (Sasuke-kun, you are no more that person i know. Is this the end? Will Naruto ever forgive me...?)
(Yamato's scene)
Yamato : Naruto..? we really have to go. Kakashi-senpai gave me the direct order to bring you back.
Naruto :*still under the futon* Yamato-taicho, do i have to make a desicion? is killing Sasuke the only answer?
Yamato : .........(Naruto......)
Naruto : If i can't save my friend, how can i be Hokage. How can i save the village if i can't even save my friend?
Yamato : In this case Naruto, to save the whole village, you have to kill one person. Im sorry.
Naruto : Yamato-taicho.....Im sorry....PUFF *Clone dispelled*
Yamato : What the?? how did he?? damn... Senpai is going to kill me.
*Yamato chases after Naruto thinking (He is getting more clever)*
(Naruto's Scene)
Naruto : Im getting close. (Thinking bout Team 7 taking the photograph together) Kaka-sensei, Sakura-chan, Sasuke.....*Smiling* Wait for me.
(Sasuke's scene)
*As Sasuke charged at Sakura and Karin, suddenly a kunai with explosive tagged fell in between Sakura and Sasuke
Sasuke : Huh? explosive tag?
Sasuke : *Managed to flip backwards and now panting* (What happened??)
*As the smoke clears, He saw Sakura holding on to Karin further away and in front of him looks like a man with spiky hair*
Sasuke : What now?? ugh!!! squincing in pain.
Sakura : Kakashi-Sensei...!!!
Kakashi : Are you alright Sakura...? Sorry im late but i need you to stay back for a while.
Sakura : But Kakash..... *Kakashi turns to look at Sakura with a smile*
Kakashi : Like i said, i won't let my comrades die....
Sakura : (Kakashi-sensei........)
Kakashi : Continue healing her, i will deal with Sasuke.
Sakura : Yes Kakashi-sensei *Sakura continues to heal Karin.
Sasuke : Its been a while Hatake Kakashi....looks like its going to be more troublesome than i thought.
Kakashi : Sasuke, i do not know what you are thinking and i even have an idea on what you are going to do. You are a danger to many and as the acting hokage, its my duty to stop you. Prepare yourself Sasuke.
Sakura : Kakashi-sensei is acting hokage??
Sasuke : You are all pathetic, prepare for your death.
Kakashi : (looks like i have no choice) *Lifting the Hitai-ite to reveal his Sharingan ( i better not underestimate him although he looks like he is done.)
Sasuke : Hn.... Let us see the real Uchiha Sharingan *Activates Sharingan*
Kakashi : His eyes....its very different....(Remembering Sasuke when he was younger) now all he has in his eyes are hatred. *Charges at Sasuke with a Kunai*
Sasuke : *Charges at Kakashi with chidori*
*Just as they are nearing each other....KAGE BUNSHINN NO JUTSU... Naruto clones in sage mode kicks both Kakashi and Sasuke. Both managed to block but fell back*
Kakashi : Huh? Naruto? (Tenzou....)
Sakura : Naruto??!!!
*Naruto appears in sage mode between Kakashi and Sasuke with smoke of dispelled clones.
Naruto : *Looking at Kakashi and Sakura* Im sorry Kaka-sensei, Sakura-chan. I have to do this.
Kakashi : ........
Sakura : Naruto....*Tears can be seen*
*Naruto turns to stare at Sasuke with frog eyes as Sasuke stand still staring at Naruto....
Naruto : ( going to save you)
Sasuke : (Naruto.....Idiot)
What is going to happen next? what is Naruto planning? What does he means?
Naruto 484 : My Own Will
by: The Icon
Naruto 483: Reunion
By: The Icon
(what is sakura thinking does she really want to leave konoha for sasuke or is it just a plot to kill him)
sasuke: what are you doing here sakura don't you have better things to do than chasing me around.
Sakura:(talking to herself) sasuke what in the world happened to you this can't be sasuke. no way
sasuke:( with an evil smile on his face he says) you know sakura i thought you was smarter than naruto. i don't need you too be chasing after me.
Sakura: (looking at karin) hmm wait a minute.....that...that girl she was the one i saw when we was chasing after sasuke and itachi and she was in his team of 4 as kakashi said so why?
Sasuke: (looking at karin he remembers when she helped him when he was injured) see yah karin you know too much about the plan.
Karin: is this what i get for trying to help you sasuke. you once helped me in the chunin exam and the look on your face made me happy and so was you. i thought after you got you revenge you would turn to the light but you are turning more and more towards the darkness all i wanted to do is make you happy as you once made me.
Sasuke: Karin i am happy i just have kill two more people and i have what i wanted i will make them pay for what the did to my brother. i'm sick of you die( sasuke pierce karin with his chidori from his hand or so we think)
Kakashi scene
Kakashi: sakura what are you doing?. pakun have you got sakura's scents yet?
Pakkun: no not yet. wait yes i got it and it seem like sakura has met up with sasuke. and there is alot of ruins seems like a huge battle too k place we better hurry kakashi
Kakashi: i know lets hurry itz time i see what sasuke can really do since the last time i saw him (kakashi have a flashback of his speach to sasuke about loosing everyone close to them)
Naruto's scene
Sage Naruto: (jumping through the trees) hmmm whats that down there bushy brow, sai, kiba what happenen
Sai:( kiba and lee is knocked out) (almost knocked out) sakura used a sleep bomb on us so we couldn't follow her. we tried to stop her but she got us in the moment of surprise. she seems really determind naruto(sai is knocked out the bomb was in full affect)
Naruto: thanks sai i can sence kakashi's chakra he is fast i need to catch up (naruto combines his fox power with sage eyes) i must hurry before she does anything stupid (naruto is a fast as ever he seem as fast as lee in 8 gates mode)
Sakura and sasuke scene
sakura; (just as sasuke was about to stan karin sakura is there grabing sasuke's hand) sasuke what are you doing wasn't she part of your group have you become so blind by hatred that you don't know a friend or an enemy what happened to you sasuke?
Karin; so she knows him ahh now i remember she was the one i saw back then (karin has the flashback) she seem to know him
Sasuke: sakura do you think that you can stop me from my destiny ahh? i will have my revenge on kohana
Sakura: revenge on kohana? what are you talking about?
Sasuke: you don't need to know because you going to die (sasuke with ounces of chakra left he run chidori through his body and sakura is caught in it because she is still holding on to his hand)
Sakura :damn it i can't move
Sasuke: sakura you should know never be at close range with a long range fighter. you should have been training instead of chasing after me. ( sakura is on the floor and sasuke is going to kill her with chidori just like what he was going to do with karin or so he thought)
Kakashi: (kakashi appears suddenly taking sakura off the groung before sasuke could do anything)
Naruto: (naruto is suddenly in front of sasuke with both fox and sage eyes combine screaming ) was you going to kill her sasuke ah was you going to kill her.
Next Issue: Into The Darkness
by: Woo
Naruto 483
Lives Are Changing. For The Better Or Worst? New Faces? Old Faces?
Sasuke/Sakura Scene
Sasuke – Hmph... Even without my sharingan I can see your intentions... Sakura.
Sakura – (softly) Even Naruto had trouble believing me. (Shout) WHY CAN'T YOU SASUKE! I WILL FOLLOW YOU TO THE END OF THE WORLD AND BACK!
Sasuke is in front of Sakura – Stop lying to yourself. (attempts to strike)
Sakura – I'm not weak anymore... Sasuke-Kun. (She punches Sasuke, but moments on impact it was a subsitution)
Sasuke – You've gotten stronger... But your still a pathetic excuse for a ninja.
Sakura – I don't want to fight, I want to follow you Sasuke-Kun. What must I do to prove it?
Sasuke – Hmm? How about... Signing a blood contract.... If anything were to happen to me, say I was killed. You will die too. Are you willing to show your loyalty by signing this contract.
Sakura – (Thinking) Oh Crap. What do I do?
Kakashi Scene
Kakashi – Summoning Technique! Pakun! Sniff out the area.
Pakun – Yes! (sniff sniff sniff)There are 4 individuals less than 1 km ahead of us. 2 individuals less than 2 km ahead of us. And Naruto holding me in his hand.... -.-
Kakashi – You were to be taken back to the village.
Naruto – I Couldn't! Not now... Sasuke and Sakura they've confronted each other. We must hurry.
Kakashi – No point in telling you to go back... You will still disobey me.
Naruto – Yes Kakashi Sensei. Sorry. (They sped themselves up)
Madara/Danzo Scene
Madara – You smart old fool... Crushing the eye huh? But you are a simpleton... You wouldn't be worries about these eyes. I'm sure you have more hidden in the last place anyone will look... Orochimaru's old Konoha lab. Or should I just find Kabuto? He should know. Why am I talking to myself in such a gloomy room with a dead body?
Raikage/KillerBee Scene
KillerBee ignoring his brother poking the head of Kisame – Eww... You say something?
Raikage smacking KillerBee's head – Argh! Let's go, we must find the Kyubi Jinchuuriki.
Company – Yes!
Mizukage and Co Scene
Mizukage – Lets hurry and find Danzo. Ao!
Ao – Byakugan! Several ninjas in a 5 km radius.
Mizukage – Moveout!
Myobokuzan Scene
Fukasaku – Whew! That was some battle.
Shima – Even thought you died for half of it. Good that you were brought back though. So... Nagato The boy with the rinnegan and Naruto... The......
Fukasaku – We must leave!
Shima – Stop interrupting Me Fukasaku. Well like I was say....
Fukasaku – The Elder is calling us.
Shima – Oh?
Fukasaku – He says we'll be seeing and old face again....
Shima – Jiraiya? Minato?
Fukasaku – Just drink your tea fast and hurry.
What will happen between Sasuke and Sakura?
What will Kakashi do with Naruto accompanying him?
How will Madara solve his question?
What will happen to Raikage and Co? And Mizukage and Co?
Who is this old face?
I don't know the answers...
by: Musica
Naruto 483
(Sasuke's Scene)
Sakura : Don't go Sasuke-kun, i'll come with you. I will leave everything behind and i will follow you. (Your eyes are different Sasuke-kun, there is so much hatred in you)
Sasuke : Sakura, you planned to leave Konoha?? you don't have to because i am going to DESTROY everything that is on that village.*Sharingan activated.
*Sasuke covering his eyes in pain*
(I need to rest first, is she really leaving with me or is it a trap)
Sakura : (Trembling) You don't have to kill her, i can save her. I know medical jutsu. *Sakura kneel down as green light glows on her hands healing Karin*
Karin:*eyes blurry* (Who is this? why is she saving me? is that konoha Hitai-ite? Sasuke-kun.....)*Karin closes her eyes*
Sasuke : (She can be useful to me...) Stop what you are doing Sakura, i don't need her anymore, she has served her purpose. She is just another tool for me to reach my goals. *Chidori activated*
Sakura : No Sasuke-kun, we can't just leave her here. She is your comrade, your teammate, your friend. *Looking down*
Sasuke : I knew it. You Konoha ninja are just as pathetic and weak. With my hate towards konoha, i will become stronger. I said STOP HEALING HER...!!! *Charges at Sakura and Karin with Chidori.
Sakura : !!!! (Sasuke-kun, you are no more that person i know. Is this the end? Will Naruto ever forgive me...?)
(Yamato's scene)
Yamato : Naruto..? we really have to go. Kakashi-senpai gave me the direct order to bring you back.
Naruto :*still under the futon* Yamato-taicho, do i have to make a desicion? is killing Sasuke the only answer?
Yamato : .........(Naruto......)
Naruto : If i can't save my friend, how can i be Hokage. How can i save the village if i can't even save my friend?
Yamato : In this case Naruto, to save the whole village, you have to kill one person. Im sorry.
Naruto : Yamato-taicho.....Im sorry....PUFF *Clone dispelled*
Yamato : What the?? how did he?? damn... Senpai is going to kill me.
*Yamato chases after Naruto thinking (He is getting more clever)*
(Naruto's Scene)
Naruto : Im getting close. (Thinking bout Team 7 taking the photograph together) Kaka-sensei, Sakura-chan, Sasuke.....*Smiling* Wait for me.
(Sasuke's scene)
*As Sasuke charged at Sakura and Karin, suddenly a kunai with explosive tagged fell in between Sakura and Sasuke
Sasuke : Huh? explosive tag?
Sasuke : *Managed to flip backwards and now panting* (What happened??)
*As the smoke clears, He saw Sakura holding on to Karin further away and in front of him looks like a man with spiky hair*
Sasuke : What now?? ugh!!! squincing in pain.
Sakura : Kakashi-Sensei...!!!
Kakashi : Are you alright Sakura...? Sorry im late but i need you to stay back for a while.
Sakura : But Kakash..... *Kakashi turns to look at Sakura with a smile*
Kakashi : Like i said, i won't let my comrades die....
Sakura : (Kakashi-sensei........)
Kakashi : Continue healing her, i will deal with Sasuke.
Sakura : Yes Kakashi-sensei *Sakura continues to heal Karin.
Sasuke : Its been a while Hatake Kakashi....looks like its going to be more troublesome than i thought.
Kakashi : Sasuke, i do not know what you are thinking and i even have an idea on what you are going to do. You are a danger to many and as the acting hokage, its my duty to stop you. Prepare yourself Sasuke.
Sakura : Kakashi-sensei is acting hokage??
Sasuke : You are all pathetic, prepare for your death.
Kakashi : (looks like i have no choice) *Lifting the Hitai-ite to reveal his Sharingan ( i better not underestimate him although he looks like he is done.)
Sasuke : Hn.... Let us see the real Uchiha Sharingan *Activates Sharingan*
Kakashi : His eyes....its very different....(Remembering Sasuke when he was younger) now all he has in his eyes are hatred. *Charges at Sasuke with a Kunai*
Sasuke : *Charges at Kakashi with chidori*
*Just as they are nearing each other....KAGE BUNSHINN NO JUTSU... Naruto clones in sage mode kicks both Kakashi and Sasuke. Both managed to block but fell back*
Kakashi : Huh? Naruto? (Tenzou....)
Sakura : Naruto??!!!
*Naruto appears in sage mode between Kakashi and Sasuke with smoke of dispelled clones.
Naruto : *Looking at Kakashi and Sakura* Im sorry Kaka-sensei, Sakura-chan. I have to do this.
Kakashi : ........
Sakura : Naruto....*Tears can be seen*
*Naruto turns to stare at Sasuke with frog eyes as Sasuke stand still staring at Naruto....
Naruto : ( going to save you)
Sasuke : (Naruto.....Idiot)
What is going to happen next? what is Naruto planning? What does he means?
Naruto 484 : My Own Will
By: Sensei-Q
Naruto 483: ‘True Intentions’
Also read his next chapter prediction:
Naruto 484: Because I Know
-‘Sakura joins Sasuke! How will he react?’-
(Sasuke Scene)
Sakura: I…I’m leaving Konoha. I’m coming with you.
*Sasuke stares at Sakura, then turns to Karin and then turns back again to Sakura*
Sakura: Is that your enemy? What did she do to you? *pointing to the dying Karin*
Sasuke: …(‘’You’ve used your ocular powers too much’’)…
Sakura: !!!
*Sasuke charges even more chakra into his chidori and slowly points it to Sakura*
Sakura: (I need to hold on! Can’t go back now…)
Sasuke: -Chidori Kouken-
*The spear extends towards Sakura’s face until just 4 inches left between the spear’s tip and Sakura’s eye*
Sakura: What are you doing? I’m joining you. I am not your enemy.
Sasuke: hmph...
*Activates Sharingan-Deactivates Sharingan*
Sakura: (..?..)
Sasuke: ..Come with me then.
*Sasuke turns around and Sakura starts to follow him*
Sakura: (Good..he trusts m-
*A chidori spear suddenly streams up out of the ground beneath her,
wich cut some of her hair off*
Sakura: ?!?!
Sasuke: You thought it would be that easy? You
can't hide your true intentions before these eyes..
Sakura: How did you-! (Flashback to when he activated/deactivated his Sharingan)
Sasuke: Get lost or you might end up like her *points to a deadlooking Karin*.
Sakura: You're smarter than I thought.. But I've already made my decision.
I can't go back. I'm going to stop you right here and now!
(Yamato Scene)
*Yamato wakes up*
Yamato: What?! (He escaped through that hole!)
*Makes a wooden finger and tips the ground*
Yamato: (..Damn it!)
(Kakashi Scene)
*Sakura grabs a kunai and prepares for attack*
Kakashi: Hold it right there.
Sakura: (Shit!)
Kakashi: Sakura, you are in big trouble..
Sasuke: Tsk, another troublesome person joins the scene..
*Kakashi closes his eye and thinks of Naruto*
Sakura: ! (That expression... I've never seen it before!)
Kakashi: Sakura, I am very disappointed in you. I did not expect this from someone like you..
You-*Points to Sasuke*-on the other hand, disgust me.
Sakura: (Wh-what?)
Sasuke: Like I ca-
Kakashi: -Because of people like you, the Uchiha was a 'cursed clan'.
Sasuke: Don't you dare speak of the Uchiha like that.
Kakashi: You, are even lower than trash. You are evil.
Sakura: (I've never seen this side of Kakashi before..!)
Sasuke: ...
Kakashi: Your chakra is as cold as that expression on your face.
The only reason I'm here is to return Sakura. I have nothing to do with you anymore.. You did not
listen to what I said to you the last time we spoke.
*Reveals Sharingan*
Sakura: (Sensei, you..)
Kakashi: In Sakura I see Naruto I see my Master..and for some reason, in you, I saw
the person who gave me this Sharingan. The friend who sacrificed himself to save me..
Sasuke: Hmph, I don't care. 'Bonds' make Shinobi weak.
Naruto: NOT TRUE. Open your eyes for once.
Sakura: (It's too late for me now..)
Kakashi: (Where's Tenzou?!)
Naruto: *Sennin-Mode* Allow me to explain why..
Sasuke: *Activates Sharingan* (So this is what defeated the Rinnegan user..)
'Naruto has reached the scene! And he disagreed against Sasuke's statement..?'
Naruto 484 - 'Because I Know'
Also read his next chapter prediction:
Naruto 484: Because I Know
By: R.E.K.
Naruto 483: Overcome Fear
Also read his next chapter prediction:
Naruto 484: Conclusion
Sasuke scene
Sasuke: well well well if it ant Sakura Chan, are going to try and stop me now that I became a criminal?
Sakura: Sasuke Kun, I won't really on Naruto kun any more, I cam here to bring you back to the village by force.
Sasuke: You haven't changed at all, you're always annoying, I'll start by killing you first and then I'll go after Konoha.
Sakura: But why didn't you had your revenge on your brother?
Sasuke: You know nothing about me, I'm no more the Sasuke you knew in time. Enough talk, lets fight...
Sasuke though weak after two battle turns his MS on and tries to cast a Genjutsu on Sakura but it failed.
Sasuke: How can you outstands my Genjutsu?
Sakura: I have change too, I was the student of the Legendary Tithe Hokage and on top of that kakashi Sensei had the good idea to teache me how to release from any Genjustu.
Sasuke: Puff
Yamato Sceen
Yamato: Naruto wake up we have orders to return to the village, that's the six Hokage's orders.
Naruto: Yamato Taicho, Sakura doesn't to whom she will be fighting, oh yeah Captain Yamato, well I still haven told any one about it. When we had a mission long time ago in search of Sasuke
Yamato: What was it you want to tell us?
Naruto: In the forest I encountered Itachi, he wanted to tell me something, as usual I was so enve on him to what he did to his little brother, he caste a Genjutsu on me to calm me so he could have a chat with me, than suddenly he gave me something I can't describe it, I saw one off the craws entering my mouth, I felt like a little burn and after that he had to go, he was in a hurry.
Yamato:!!! in thoughts( did he use a justu that gives him the ability to put his stamina in Naruto like a Sealing Jutsu?)
Kakashi Scene
Kakashi in thoughts (I'm to late Sakura used on her own team a sleeping gas bomb, so she is welling to put her life on the line, what a troublesome child.)
Kakashi: Kiba, Lee, Sai wake up.
Kiba, Lee, Sai: OOOOOH!
Sai: Sorry Kakashi Sensei, I failed to stop her.
Lee, Kiba: What happened? Where is Sakura? Dam Sai it's all your fault.
Kakashi: Stop it you too, Kiba can you pique up her sent?
Kiba: Sure, Akamaru lets do it
Akamaru: Woof Woof.
Back to Sasuke
Sakura uses her left arm to punch up the ground, but it was easy for Sasuke to evade it...
Sakura: Sasuke Kun!
Sasuke charges his hand with Chidori to pierce her vital parts that finish her.
Madara enters the scene and watches the fight.
Madara in thoughts (Konoha Kuniochi, Hmm! did they began hunting us? no. I see, She's from the Haruno Clan, at the way she fights, her teacher was none other than Tsunade Senju the Grand-Daughter of Hashirama Senju an other pesky, wait a minute what is she heding under her cloak???)
Madara: Sasuke watch out she's Medic Nin, she is going to paralyze you.
Sasuke: ???
Sakura in thoughts (that mask guy is unmasking my plot, Dam it.)
Sasuke: Well, Well, Well, not bad Sakura you have evolve from when we where Team7, but you are still weaker than Naruto or should I Sai the Dam Fox.
The End
Naruto 484: Conclusion
Also read his next chapter prediction:
Naruto 484: Conclusion
by: AnimationMaster101
Naruto 483: "Sakura's Decision,The Battle Begins!"
Also read his next chapter prediction:
Naruto 484: The End Draws Near
(Sasuke & Sakura Scene)
Sasuke: What reason do you have to join me?
Sakura: Because....
Sasuke: ...
Sakura: I Love You!
Sasuke: (In Surprise He Activates his sharingan) Don't do this you'll end up just like Karin a sacrfice to achieve my goal of hatred.
Sakura: (One tear runs down her cheek) Is this all you've become?
Sasuke: What do you mean?
Sakura: A wanted crimial hated and wanted to be killed by everyone! I came here on a mission and I will complete it!
(Naruto & Kakashi Scene)
Kakashi: Naruto what are you doing here!?
Naruto : I can't just lay around while Sakura is off somewhere about to get herself killed!
Kakashi: (Stops on tree branch) Naruto please go back to Yamato.
Naruto : But!
Kakashi: Not another word unless you wanna be killed. With your low chakra level Sasuke can take you out in an instint.
Naruto : (Remebers the Team 7 photo shatter) Sorry Kakashi-Sensei....
(Madara Scene)
Madara: Thinking that Danzo planned this far ahead....
Danzo : Hehhheeh....
Madara: !!!!!
Danzo : That's right I'm still alive! (Danzo's injuries are healed!)
Madara: How did you survive?
Danzo : Your little pupil was't smart enough to examine my entire body.
Madara: You had another sharingan hidden?!
Danzo : I had 2 sharingans hidden inside my heart! Enough with the talk now you and I will fight for the final sharingan
(Yamato Scene)
Yamato : Enough rest Naruto it's time to go back to Konoha. Naruto? Naruto!
Sai Clone: (half melted clone) Naruto has escaped and has gone to fight Sasuke alone
Yamato : Damn It! Wait? How about Kakashi-Senpai?
Sai Clone: Naruto.... has taken Kakashi out
Yamato : What has Team 7 become?
(Sasuke & Sakura Scene)
Sakura: (rushes at Sasuke with a Chakra Enhanced Punch)
Sasuke: (Dodges her punch takes out his sword tries to pierce her but misses and cuts off a lock of her hair)
Sakura: (Starts to do handsigns)
Sasuke: (Moves 10 feet back)
Sakura: Earth Release Antlion Technique!
Sasuke: Oh no! (Is Sucked till he is right in front of Sakura)
Sakura: Die Sasuke Uchiha!!!!!
Sasuke: (Activates Mangekyo Sharingan) Amaterasu!
??????: Stop!
Sakura: (Look at the trees) Naruto....
Naruto: (Looks how Team 7 went from friends to enemies and begins to cry)
Sasuke: Lets...
Sakura: End...
Naruto: This!
Sasuke: (Charges with a chidori)
Sakura: (Charges with a chakra enhanced punch)
Naruto: (Charges with a rasengan)
Madara V.S Danzo & Naruto V.S Sasuke V.S Sakura a battle to the death!? Naruto's idea for peace can no longer be achieved?! The Manga Reaches it's climax!
Naruto 484 "The End Draws Near"
Also read his next chapter prediction:
Naruto 484: The End Draws Near
by: Masataka
Naruto 483: Deja Vu
(Sasuke & Sakura)
Sakura: i've become a missing nin of Konoha, alone i am useless, but aiding you in your path of revenge, i can become part of something much bigger.
Sasuke, while staring straight at Sakura uses his chidori spear on Karin just missing, thinking: shit my chakra levels are too low, how could i have missed)
his vision blurs.
Sakura gasps, and a bead of sweat trickles down her cheek. (thinking:What is he doing, he could have killed her, it looks like i have no choice.)
Sasuke: I have no use for dead weight shinobi, becoming obstacles to my revenge. What makes you any different from her.
Sakura:(still in shock) I am no longer the Sakura you once knew, having studied under lady Tsunade i am possibly the best medical nin in the land of fire. Please just let me help you.. (thinking: i must wait my moment...)
Sasuke takes a step towards Sakura, and falls to one knee. Spitting up blood and holding his eyes. his vision becomes even worse.
Sasuke: (thinking: shit where is madara, i've over used the mangekyou)
Sakura rushes to his aid, thinking: his chakra is diminished and he seems to be having problems seeing, now might be my only chance.
It appears that Sakura is healing Sasuke
Sakura: (thinking: just like that time, i will not fail)
Flashback to Tsunade healing Orochimaru's arms, (chapter 163)
Karin: Sasuke get away from her, she is trying to kill you.
Sakura: Shit, how could i be so careless, to think she was medical nin, i was so close. (thinking: i'll have to settle this the old fashioned way)
Sakura, focuses her chakra and aims a punch at Sasuke's face.
Sasuke just avoids the blow, and backs up creating some distance between Sakura and himself, a wound appears on his right cheek (thinking: shit when did she..)
Sakura: I have to do this, for the sake of konoha, thinking: for naruto.
Gets into a fighting pose.
Sasuke: Irritating as always.
draws his sword.
by: Tobi-Rama
Naruto 483: Substitute
(sasuke & sakura scene)
Madara: I see a substitute for Karin.
Sasuke: Sakura I dont need your love games for my revenge!
Sakura: Im not here for that i want to be your comrade.
Madara: How shall I know this isnt the plot of the leaf.
Sakura: Tsunade-sama is close to...
Madara: Dont mention that accursed grandchild, and from now on its not Tsunade-sama its Madara-sama.
Sasuke: Madara shut up! Sakura:Anything to join the group.
(Scene change)
yamato: Naruto its time to leave. (yamato finds naruto asleep and picks him up)
yamato: Its time to leave sleepy head.(yamato starts to move through the forest with naruto on his back)
(scene change)
naruto: finally reached kakashi-Sensei
Kakashi: Naruto...why are you here
naruto: Sensei sakura has reached sasuke
kakashi: Speed up. (They both speed up)
(Scene changes)
sasuke: Anything?
sakura: What do you mean Sasuke?
Sasuke: Im gonna see how much sakura has changed since team 7.
Sakura: I see i'll make sure i'm worthy enough! (suddenly a kunai hits the ground near Sasuke)
???: UCHIHA SASUKE your revenge game is over now!
Sasuke: Its just beginning. ???: not unless i end it!(who has come to stop sasuke's trail and will sakura join sasuke's revenge express
Next time: Duel
by: Itasuke
Naruto 483: Encounter!
(Sasuke & Sakura Scene)
Sasuke: ?!
Sakura: As I said, I'll leave Konoha, and follow you!
Sasuke: Why would you do that?
Sakura: It's because...
Sasuke: ...
Sakura: I want to. That's all.
Sasuke: Hmph, good enough. Alright I'm heading towards our base, let's go.
Sasuke: ...( it...the Akatsuki base?)...Right.
(Kakashi Scene)
Kakashi: (Sakura...she must be there by now. Sasuke, just don't hurt her...) Ok, I'm almost there...
???: Kakashi-Sensei!
Kakashi: Naruto? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Yamato?
Naruto: Um, Sensei, let's focus on what's important now. We--(continues on talking)
Kakashi: -Sigh- (Oh boy)...Um Naruto, Naruto slow down...
Naruto: And then we-- ...What, shouldn't we make a plan?
Kakashi: We should, but it'll be a plan coming from me.
Naruto: Ok, let's hear it.
(Yamato Scene)
Yamato: Oh Naruto come on! -Uncovers Naruto- Let's leave already!
Naruto: Ok Ok! -Stands up-
-Naruto is walking and was about to fall in the hole-
Yamato: Look out! Wood Style Jutsu! -hits Naruto away to keep him away from falling-
Naruto: Gah! -poof-
Yamato: What?! A Shadow-Clone?! This is bad! -Starts rushing outside-
(Sasuke & Sakura Scene)
-They are both walking-
Sasuke: ...
Sakura: ...
Sasuke: ...
Sakura: -Sigh- ...So...
Sasuke: -Looks at her- ...?
-Naruto lands-
Naruto: Wait up Sasuke!!
Sasuke: -Turns around- ...What do YOU want?
Naruto: This time...I'll knock you out if I had to, to bring you back to your senses!!
Sasuke: Isn't that what you told me before? but you Failed.
Naruto: ...!
Sakura: (Darn it, Naruto, you're ruining my plan!! And now Sasuke will even suspect that I might have been trying to stall him until Naruto arrives...There's one way to make Sasuke trust me...)
Naruto: Sakura?! I'm glad you're ok...come over here!
Sakura: No...Naruto...
Naruto: Huh...?
Sakura: -Throws away the cloak- If you want to fight Sasuke...then you'll have to get through me first!!
Naruto: What?!
Sasuke: ?!
Naruto: This is crazy! Sakura come on!
Sakura: You always take me lightly, do you? Well, let me show you how serious I am!
Kakashi *While hiding behind a pillar*: (...Sakura is not a fool, she's too smart to leave Konoha behind, whatever the reason is, I know that it's gonna be good. I better wait and see...)
Sakura: Ready or not...Here I come!!! -Gets in fighting stance-
Naruto will be fighting Sakura?! Where will this battle lead to?!
Next Time: Fading Memories!
by: State of Naruto
Naruto 483: A Friend Now Your Pain
Starts off where it left
Sakura:(thinking) Sasuke reaps of madness and insanity, making my move won't be easy
Sasuke: Ha! The funny thing is you are leaving, I'm going back to the place where it all started..
Sakura: ?? What does that mean exactly.
Sasuke: I'm not running from Konoha anymore !!!
Sakura: (surprise/disbelief expression) Really ?? So the path of revenge you follow leads you back then ??
Sasuke: Thats right, the road I travel leads me back to the Leaf, back too the start with a new goal in mind. The path leads back home. you see ??
Sasuke: (with a deep dark senseless look on his face) My mayhem has only just began.
We have nothing in common. Our ambitions are different, you are vanishing I'm returning and the fact I dont have any feelings for you or anyone in Konoha, we have no business with each other.
Sakura: I'm here too assist you Sasuke. If your journey heads to Konoha so be it.
Sasuke: Like im going to believe that Sakura. Sakura, same old pink haired little foolish girl. Always falling behind, so you decided too take the lead and kill me.. I don't even need my Sharingan to see that. Its was only a matter of time before the leaf decided on killing me..
(Sasuke's insane look returns even worst than before) O well, looks like I have two to kill here now. Sasuke uses *chidori sharp spear*
(the spear hits Sakura right between the eye's.. POOF Sakura instantly disappears a replacement technique ..
(the real Sakura concealed herself upside down under the bridge)
Sasuke: Coming here Sakura, you most have known you were coming to your own death to come out so we can get it over with
Sakura:(hiden under bridge, Sakura begins to get cool feet) Only now (realizing) she made this decision on emotions alone. No concrete plan to kill Sasuke, (her thoughts begins to explode as she thinks about a possibly of escape from this nightmare she created).
Sakura: (terrified) I have got to get out of here (her body numbs over she is unable to move. (than the thought of Naruto and Kakashi sensei comes to mind),
Sakura: I cant live like this any longer always following them around. I just cant! I'd rather die here and now. I don't have a plan or the ability but I have the will too kill Sasuke. I'm not running no matter what.
Now lets see, my plan to have Sasuke's trust was a failure. just as I thought, Sasuke couldn't tell the replacement from the real thing, most likely he's low on chakra. Completely unable to use Sharingan. In his state I'd say he only has two more low level ninjutsu's left, then all his ninjutsu and genjutsu will be useless to him. But its still taijutsu, good thing Sai, Lee, and Kabi, are not here so if I fail only I will be killed.
Not good Sai clone is gone now and so is my (Being cut off by)
Naruto: Kakashi Sensei !!!!!!!!!!!
Kakashi: !! Naruto I knew you would follow me, but that that fast (thinking) what incredible speed
Naruto: No time to talk Sensei, I senses Sakura's Chakra, around 1 KM north from here
Kakashi: You senses ?? So that's how you trace me then.
Naruto: Yeah.. shes not alone. Two other's chakra are in that same place
Kakashi: Can you identify the other two, could one be Sasuke?
Naruto: One is too weak. I can't tell if its Sasuke or not, The other one is ...
Kakashi: The other one is what ??
Naruto: Anyway Sakura maybe in trouble, lets just hurry.
Sakura: (reappears) On the Bridge behind Sasuke
Sasuke: Finally come out of hiding ???
Sakura: (thinking) Hmm, he never saw my power. I should have the element of surprise (smashing the ground, creating a wave of earth headed straight for Sasuke)
Sasuke (shocked) at Sakura's power (jumps into the air) (dogging) the moving earth
Sakura (uses a smoke bomb to disappear) then reappearing in the sky above Sasuke
Sakura: agagagag (punching) with all her energy (the blow connects with Sasuke)sending him flying back to the ground, boof a piece of wood flys out
Sakura: (Landing) replacement .
Sasuke (reappears) Ha. It ends now, (meeting) Sakura with his sword throw the the gut
Sakura: Your right, i still see some sense in that head of yours
A seal release from Sakura's body traveled and throwed Sasuke's sword into his body without him knowing. The seal numbs over his body leaving him completely paralyzed.
Sakura: For this seal to work there must be a connection. The connection is his sword.
Sasuke (Sakura then unconcealed a bomb in her hand)
Sasuke (with a shocked frightened look) You idiot suicide is all you are doing !!!!!!!!!
Sakura: Your right Sasuke it ends now
Kakashi&Naruto (arrives)
Sakura's plan to kill Sasuke is suicide bombing.. CAN Kakashi and Naruto stop this madness ?? next time..
484: Love To The Death
by: Numinous
Naruto 483: Too Late
(Kakashi Scene)
(Kakashi arrives to Sai, Kiba and Lee’s location)
Kakashi: (thinking) So it was true, she used a sleeping powder bomb on them. (approaches them and wakes them up)
Kiba: (opens his eyes slowly) Kakashi-sensei? (gets up quickly, as the others rise up) Sai, you…!
Kakashi: Knock it off, guys.
Lee: But…
Sai: We need to find Sakura.
Kakashi: Right. Kiba, can you pick up her scent?
Kiba: She seems to be where I spotted Sasuke, although is already feign…
Kakashi: As I feared. Let’s go, lead the way Kiba.
Kiba: Alright, let’s go, Akamaru!
Akamaru: Woof! (Kiba rides Akamaru and the group moves on)
(Bridge Scene)
Sasuke: You’re as annoying as you were, back when I left Konoha…
Sakura: But I changed, Sasuke-kun! I don’t care about Konoha anymore, I realized that my place isn’t there, it’s with you, helping you with your revenge.
Sasuke: Hmpf. (turns his back on her)
Sakura: You have to believe me!
Sasuke: Do you even know what my goal is?
Sakura: No, bu-
Sasuke: I’ll destroy Konoha. (Sakura is shocked) I’m not the Sasuke you knew once. Now, or you make yourself useful or you’ll end up like her. (turns to Sakura and points to Karin)
Sakura: (looks at Karin, who as one eye opened; thinking) What’ve you done, Sasuke…? (speaking) I’m a medical nin, I can heal both of you.
Sasuke: She has no use for me anymore, leave her there. It’s better for her to die.
Karin: (thinking) Sasuke… how could you…
Sasuke: So unless you want to be disposed of, don’t get in my way, Sakura.
Sakura: Y-yes. (Madara reappears in a vortex)
Madara: What is the meaning of this?! She’s still alive and… a Konoha nin?!
Sasuke: I’m not the kind of being bossed around. Karin is totally oblivious to our plans, and Sakura will perform the same role.
Madara: (steps forwards Sakura) So your name is Sakura… first, get rid of that hideous thing on your hair.
Sakura: T-the headband? (she unties the headband and throws it to the floor) Happy?!
Madara: Quite. Second… (gets behind her and puts his face above her left shoulder) If you’re thinking you can trick us to whatever trap you and your Konoha buddies orchestrated, I’ll get rid of you. And trust me, it won’t be pretty. (a drop of sweat slides through Sakura’s face)
Sakura: I came here alone just to help Sasuke-kun.
Madara: Good girl. (steps away from her and gets closer to Sasuke) Danzou damaged Shisui’s eyes, a terrible loss.
Sasuke: That doesn’t concern me. Let’s go Sakura. (steps away)
Madara: The light of your eyes is fading away, Sasuke, and you fought two intensive battles in a row. Besides, I bet one of the Kage’s team will arrive anytime soon, after Danzou, but since you’re here, they’ll hunt you down. I don’t think you’re in any condition to fool the sensor nins.
Sasuke: I’ll only go with you to get a chance to rest.
Madara: I knew you’d come. But first… (expels Torune and Fuu from the vortex, and disappears with Sasuke and Sakura in another vortex)
(Yamato Scene)
(Yamato wakes up)
Yamato: Well, time to go back, Naruto.
Naruto: (gets up) Yes, let’s go.
Yamato: (thinking) Something’s wrong with him… (uses Mokuton on Naruto to knock him down, he disappears in a cloud of smoke) As I thought… Naruto, you knucklhead… (exits the room)
(Naruto Scene)
Naruto: Yamato-taichou knows that I got away. I must haste!
(Bridge Scene)
(Ao is picking Fuu up by his collar, Choujuurou is holding his blade near Torune’s neck and Mei is aiding Karin to get up)
Ao: (yelling to Fuu) Speak, you bastard! Where’s Danzou and the two Uchiha?
Fuu: I only know Danzou-sama is dead because Uchiha Madara captured his corpse into the dimension we were in and released it seconds later. I don’t know anything more.
Mei: We should go to the nearest town, this kunoichi needs medical attention.
(Kakashi, Kiba, Lee and Sai arrive)
Kakashi: (thinking) What the hell happened here?
Kiba: The scent trail ends here.
Sai: We’re too late.
Kakashi: I’m too late… again. (thinking) Another student of mine, gone. Why this keeps happening?
Chouujurou: Hey, isn’t that…
Ao: (drops Fuu and turns to Kakashi) The Copy Ninja, Hatake Kakashi.
Kakashi: I see my reputation precedes me. (speaks to Mei) Mizukage-dono, do you know what happened here?
Mei: (holding Karin) Not really, when me and my guards arrived only this two Konoha nin were here. They say that Danzou of Konoha is dead. Probably either Uchiha Madara or Uchiha Sasuke killed him.
Kiba: What?! Uchiha Madara? Are you nuts?
Kakashi: He’s that masked Akatsuki.
Kiba: What?! I fought Uchiha Madara? No way!
Kakashi: Hmmm, did someone actually Uchiha Sasuke leaving.
Torune: It was for a few seconds, but we saw Uchiha Madara leaving with him and a pink-haired kunoichi.
Lee: They kidnapped Sakura!
Sai: (spots something shiny near them) I don’t think so. (walks towards it and picks it up) It’s her headband. (gives it to Kakashi)
Kakashi: That means…
Ao: Someone’s coming.
Naruto: (appears abruptly in the bridge) Kakashi-sensei!
Ao: (thinking) What an huge chakra… he must be the Kyuubi’s Jinchuuriki.
Naruto: Where’s Sakura-chan?
Kakashi: She… (shows the headband to Naruto) She left Konoha to go with Sasuke. (Naruto is shocked)
Next Chapter: Strangeness
by: Sannyasin
Naruto 483: Killing in the Name of…
(Sasuke and Sakura scene)
Sasuke: Is that so Sakura?..Well and do you really think I need your help?
Sakura: Sasuke, I’m a medical ninja who was trained by Tsunade-sama, one of the three Sannins. There’s no doubt I’ll be useful to you.
Karin(to herself): What is going on here?
Sasuke: Then why now Sakura? Why do you want to help me now? I am not the same. I have big plans and I doubt you can keep up with me
(Naruto scene)
Naruto: I’m getting closer now to Kakashi-sensei but there’s something bugging me. I’m sensing a very strong chakra nearby. Who is it?
Anyway once I get to Kakashi he’ll give me details about what is going on.
(Kakashi scene)
Kakashi: So Sakura ran on her own to confront Sasuke…what is she thinking?
Sasuke is now in the dark path of revenge. He’ll kill anyone without remorse.
Just hope I can make it in time
Suddenly Kakashi senses a strong chakra coming. He stops and hides to see who is it.
Naruto arrives in Sage Mode.
Naruto: Kakashi! Come on out. It’s me Naruto.
Kakashi: Oh it’s you...what are you doing here? You’re supposed to be resting with Yamato.
Naruto: Well I ran away from him. But now is not the time to be worrying about that.What is going on Kakashi?
(Sasuke and Sakura scene)
Sakura: Sasuke just give me a chance. If I die then that’s it, I don’t want you to protect me. Just let me be by your side and help you.
Sasuke: Hmpf! As usual you insist. Very well then, I’m accepting your help Sakura
Sakura: Than…(interrupted by Sasuke)
Sasuke: But there’s one small test you have to take before joining me. Since you are a medical ninja, you must know very well how to kill someone without causing pain.
So I want you to kill Karin and end her suffering. If you don’t then you may leave.
(Kakashi and Naruto scene)
Naruto: So Sakura went to see Sasuke all alone?!´
Kakashi: I’m afraid so. Naruto there’s no time to lose. Let’s get going.
Naruto: You’re right. Well then I’ll be going first(Naruto just vanishes through the trees)
Kakashi: Sage mode…what power! You should be proud Minato-sensei
(Sasuke and Sakura scene)
Sakura: If that is what you wish then so be it.
Sakura applies chakra to her hand and gets ready to kill Karin when suddenly Naruto arrives!
Naruto: What the hell are you doing Sakura?
Sasuke: …
Sakura: Naruto…
Chapter ends
Naruto 483: ‘True Intentions’
Also read his next chapter prediction:
Naruto 484: Because I Know
-‘Sakura joins Sasuke! How will he react?’-
(Sasuke Scene)
Sakura: I…I’m leaving Konoha. I’m coming with you.
*Sasuke stares at Sakura, then turns to Karin and then turns back again to Sakura*
Sakura: Is that your enemy? What did she do to you? *pointing to the dying Karin*
Sasuke: …(‘’You’ve used your ocular powers too much’’)…
Sakura: !!!
*Sasuke charges even more chakra into his chidori and slowly points it to Sakura*
Sakura: (I need to hold on! Can’t go back now…)
Sasuke: -Chidori Kouken-
*The spear extends towards Sakura’s face until just 4 inches left between the spear’s tip and Sakura’s eye*
Sakura: What are you doing? I’m joining you. I am not your enemy.
Sasuke: hmph...
*Activates Sharingan-Deactivates Sharingan*
Sakura: (..?..)
Sasuke: ..Come with me then.
*Sasuke turns around and Sakura starts to follow him*
Sakura: (Good..he trusts m-
*A chidori spear suddenly streams up out of the ground beneath her,
wich cut some of her hair off*
Sakura: ?!?!
Sasuke: You thought it would be that easy? You
can't hide your true intentions before these eyes..
Sakura: How did you-! (Flashback to when he activated/deactivated his Sharingan)
Sasuke: Get lost or you might end up like her *points to a deadlooking Karin*.
Sakura: You're smarter than I thought.. But I've already made my decision.
I can't go back. I'm going to stop you right here and now!
(Yamato Scene)
*Yamato wakes up*
Yamato: What?! (He escaped through that hole!)
*Makes a wooden finger and tips the ground*
Yamato: (..Damn it!)
(Kakashi Scene)
*Sakura grabs a kunai and prepares for attack*
Kakashi: Hold it right there.
Sakura: (Shit!)
Kakashi: Sakura, you are in big trouble..
Sasuke: Tsk, another troublesome person joins the scene..
*Kakashi closes his eye and thinks of Naruto*
Sakura: ! (That expression... I've never seen it before!)
Kakashi: Sakura, I am very disappointed in you. I did not expect this from someone like you..
You-*Points to Sasuke*-on the other hand, disgust me.
Sakura: (Wh-what?)
Sasuke: Like I ca-
Kakashi: -Because of people like you, the Uchiha was a 'cursed clan'.
Sasuke: Don't you dare speak of the Uchiha like that.
Kakashi: You, are even lower than trash. You are evil.
Sakura: (I've never seen this side of Kakashi before..!)
Sasuke: ...
Kakashi: Your chakra is as cold as that expression on your face.
The only reason I'm here is to return Sakura. I have nothing to do with you anymore.. You did not
listen to what I said to you the last time we spoke.
*Reveals Sharingan*
Sakura: (Sensei, you..)
Kakashi: In Sakura I see Naruto I see my Master..and for some reason, in you, I saw
the person who gave me this Sharingan. The friend who sacrificed himself to save me..
Sasuke: Hmph, I don't care. 'Bonds' make Shinobi weak.
Naruto: NOT TRUE. Open your eyes for once.
Sakura: (It's too late for me now..)
Kakashi: (Where's Tenzou?!)
Naruto: *Sennin-Mode* Allow me to explain why..
Sasuke: *Activates Sharingan* (So this is what defeated the Rinnegan user..)
'Naruto has reached the scene! And he disagreed against Sasuke's statement..?'
Naruto 484 - 'Because I Know'
Also read his next chapter prediction:
Naruto 484: Because I Know
Latest KISHI Interview:
By: R.E.K.
Naruto 483: Overcome Fear
Also read his next chapter prediction:
Naruto 484: Conclusion
Sasuke scene
Sasuke: well well well if it ant Sakura Chan, are going to try and stop me now that I became a criminal?
Sakura: Sasuke Kun, I won't really on Naruto kun any more, I cam here to bring you back to the village by force.
Sasuke: You haven't changed at all, you're always annoying, I'll start by killing you first and then I'll go after Konoha.
Sakura: But why didn't you had your revenge on your brother?
Sasuke: You know nothing about me, I'm no more the Sasuke you knew in time. Enough talk, lets fight...
Sasuke though weak after two battle turns his MS on and tries to cast a Genjutsu on Sakura but it failed.
Sasuke: How can you outstands my Genjutsu?
Sakura: I have change too, I was the student of the Legendary Tithe Hokage and on top of that kakashi Sensei had the good idea to teache me how to release from any Genjustu.
Sasuke: Puff
Yamato Sceen
Yamato: Naruto wake up we have orders to return to the village, that's the six Hokage's orders.
Naruto: Yamato Taicho, Sakura doesn't to whom she will be fighting, oh yeah Captain Yamato, well I still haven told any one about it. When we had a mission long time ago in search of Sasuke
Yamato: What was it you want to tell us?
Naruto: In the forest I encountered Itachi, he wanted to tell me something, as usual I was so enve on him to what he did to his little brother, he caste a Genjutsu on me to calm me so he could have a chat with me, than suddenly he gave me something I can't describe it, I saw one off the craws entering my mouth, I felt like a little burn and after that he had to go, he was in a hurry.
Yamato:!!! in thoughts( did he use a justu that gives him the ability to put his stamina in Naruto like a Sealing Jutsu?)
Kakashi Scene
Kakashi in thoughts (I'm to late Sakura used on her own team a sleeping gas bomb, so she is welling to put her life on the line, what a troublesome child.)
Kakashi: Kiba, Lee, Sai wake up.
Kiba, Lee, Sai: OOOOOH!
Sai: Sorry Kakashi Sensei, I failed to stop her.
Lee, Kiba: What happened? Where is Sakura? Dam Sai it's all your fault.
Kakashi: Stop it you too, Kiba can you pique up her sent?
Kiba: Sure, Akamaru lets do it
Akamaru: Woof Woof.
Back to Sasuke
Sakura uses her left arm to punch up the ground, but it was easy for Sasuke to evade it...
Sakura: Sasuke Kun!
Sasuke charges his hand with Chidori to pierce her vital parts that finish her.
Madara enters the scene and watches the fight.
Madara in thoughts (Konoha Kuniochi, Hmm! did they began hunting us? no. I see, She's from the Haruno Clan, at the way she fights, her teacher was none other than Tsunade Senju the Grand-Daughter of Hashirama Senju an other pesky, wait a minute what is she heding under her cloak???)
Madara: Sasuke watch out she's Medic Nin, she is going to paralyze you.
Sasuke: ???
Sakura in thoughts (that mask guy is unmasking my plot, Dam it.)
Sasuke: Well, Well, Well, not bad Sakura you have evolve from when we where Team7, but you are still weaker than Naruto or should I Sai the Dam Fox.
The End
Naruto 484: Conclusion
Also read his next chapter prediction:
Naruto 484: Conclusion
by: AnimationMaster101
Naruto 483: "Sakura's Decision,The Battle Begins!"
Also read his next chapter prediction:
Naruto 484: The End Draws Near
(Sasuke & Sakura Scene)
Sasuke: What reason do you have to join me?
Sakura: Because....
Sasuke: ...
Sakura: I Love You!
Sasuke: (In Surprise He Activates his sharingan) Don't do this you'll end up just like Karin a sacrfice to achieve my goal of hatred.
Sakura: (One tear runs down her cheek) Is this all you've become?
Sasuke: What do you mean?
Sakura: A wanted crimial hated and wanted to be killed by everyone! I came here on a mission and I will complete it!
(Naruto & Kakashi Scene)
Kakashi: Naruto what are you doing here!?
Naruto : I can't just lay around while Sakura is off somewhere about to get herself killed!
Kakashi: (Stops on tree branch) Naruto please go back to Yamato.
Naruto : But!
Kakashi: Not another word unless you wanna be killed. With your low chakra level Sasuke can take you out in an instint.
Naruto : (Remebers the Team 7 photo shatter) Sorry Kakashi-Sensei....
(Madara Scene)
Madara: Thinking that Danzo planned this far ahead....
Danzo : Hehhheeh....
Madara: !!!!!
Danzo : That's right I'm still alive! (Danzo's injuries are healed!)
Madara: How did you survive?
Danzo : Your little pupil was't smart enough to examine my entire body.
Madara: You had another sharingan hidden?!
Danzo : I had 2 sharingans hidden inside my heart! Enough with the talk now you and I will fight for the final sharingan
(Yamato Scene)
Yamato : Enough rest Naruto it's time to go back to Konoha. Naruto? Naruto!
Sai Clone: (half melted clone) Naruto has escaped and has gone to fight Sasuke alone
Yamato : Damn It! Wait? How about Kakashi-Senpai?
Sai Clone: Naruto.... has taken Kakashi out
Yamato : What has Team 7 become?
(Sasuke & Sakura Scene)
Sakura: (rushes at Sasuke with a Chakra Enhanced Punch)
Sasuke: (Dodges her punch takes out his sword tries to pierce her but misses and cuts off a lock of her hair)
Sakura: (Starts to do handsigns)
Sasuke: (Moves 10 feet back)
Sakura: Earth Release Antlion Technique!
Sasuke: Oh no! (Is Sucked till he is right in front of Sakura)
Sakura: Die Sasuke Uchiha!!!!!
Sasuke: (Activates Mangekyo Sharingan) Amaterasu!
??????: Stop!
Sakura: (Look at the trees) Naruto....
Naruto: (Looks how Team 7 went from friends to enemies and begins to cry)
Sasuke: Lets...
Sakura: End...
Naruto: This!
Sasuke: (Charges with a chidori)
Sakura: (Charges with a chakra enhanced punch)
Naruto: (Charges with a rasengan)
Madara V.S Danzo & Naruto V.S Sasuke V.S Sakura a battle to the death!? Naruto's idea for peace can no longer be achieved?! The Manga Reaches it's climax!
Naruto 484 "The End Draws Near"
Also read his next chapter prediction:
Naruto 484: The End Draws Near
by: Masataka
Naruto 483: Deja Vu
(Sasuke & Sakura)
Sakura: i've become a missing nin of Konoha, alone i am useless, but aiding you in your path of revenge, i can become part of something much bigger.
Sasuke, while staring straight at Sakura uses his chidori spear on Karin just missing, thinking: shit my chakra levels are too low, how could i have missed)
his vision blurs.
Sakura gasps, and a bead of sweat trickles down her cheek. (thinking:What is he doing, he could have killed her, it looks like i have no choice.)
Sasuke: I have no use for dead weight shinobi, becoming obstacles to my revenge. What makes you any different from her.
Sakura:(still in shock) I am no longer the Sakura you once knew, having studied under lady Tsunade i am possibly the best medical nin in the land of fire. Please just let me help you.. (thinking: i must wait my moment...)
Sasuke takes a step towards Sakura, and falls to one knee. Spitting up blood and holding his eyes. his vision becomes even worse.
Sasuke: (thinking: shit where is madara, i've over used the mangekyou)
Sakura rushes to his aid, thinking: his chakra is diminished and he seems to be having problems seeing, now might be my only chance.
It appears that Sakura is healing Sasuke
Sakura: (thinking: just like that time, i will not fail)
Flashback to Tsunade healing Orochimaru's arms, (chapter 163)
Karin: Sasuke get away from her, she is trying to kill you.
Sakura: Shit, how could i be so careless, to think she was medical nin, i was so close. (thinking: i'll have to settle this the old fashioned way)
Sakura, focuses her chakra and aims a punch at Sasuke's face.
Sasuke just avoids the blow, and backs up creating some distance between Sakura and himself, a wound appears on his right cheek (thinking: shit when did she..)
Sakura: I have to do this, for the sake of konoha, thinking: for naruto.
Gets into a fighting pose.
Sasuke: Irritating as always.
draws his sword.
Latest KISHI Interview:
by: Tobi-Rama
Naruto 483: Substitute
(sasuke & sakura scene)
Madara: I see a substitute for Karin.
Sasuke: Sakura I dont need your love games for my revenge!
Sakura: Im not here for that i want to be your comrade.
Madara: How shall I know this isnt the plot of the leaf.
Sakura: Tsunade-sama is close to...
Madara: Dont mention that accursed grandchild, and from now on its not Tsunade-sama its Madara-sama.
Sasuke: Madara shut up! Sakura:Anything to join the group.
(Scene change)
yamato: Naruto its time to leave. (yamato finds naruto asleep and picks him up)
yamato: Its time to leave sleepy head.(yamato starts to move through the forest with naruto on his back)
(scene change)
naruto: finally reached kakashi-Sensei
Kakashi: Naruto...why are you here
naruto: Sensei sakura has reached sasuke
kakashi: Speed up. (They both speed up)
(Scene changes)
sasuke: Anything?
sakura: What do you mean Sasuke?
Sasuke: Im gonna see how much sakura has changed since team 7.
Sakura: I see i'll make sure i'm worthy enough! (suddenly a kunai hits the ground near Sasuke)
???: UCHIHA SASUKE your revenge game is over now!
Sasuke: Its just beginning. ???: not unless i end it!(who has come to stop sasuke's trail and will sakura join sasuke's revenge express
Next time: Duel
by: Itasuke
Naruto 483: Encounter!
(Sasuke & Sakura Scene)
Sasuke: ?!
Sakura: As I said, I'll leave Konoha, and follow you!
Sasuke: Why would you do that?
Sakura: It's because...
Sasuke: ...
Sakura: I want to. That's all.
Sasuke: Hmph, good enough. Alright I'm heading towards our base, let's go.
Sasuke: ...( it...the Akatsuki base?)...Right.
(Kakashi Scene)
Kakashi: (Sakura...she must be there by now. Sasuke, just don't hurt her...) Ok, I'm almost there...
???: Kakashi-Sensei!
Kakashi: Naruto? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Yamato?
Naruto: Um, Sensei, let's focus on what's important now. We--(continues on talking)
Kakashi: -Sigh- (Oh boy)...Um Naruto, Naruto slow down...
Naruto: And then we-- ...What, shouldn't we make a plan?
Kakashi: We should, but it'll be a plan coming from me.
Naruto: Ok, let's hear it.
(Yamato Scene)
Yamato: Oh Naruto come on! -Uncovers Naruto- Let's leave already!
Naruto: Ok Ok! -Stands up-
-Naruto is walking and was about to fall in the hole-
Yamato: Look out! Wood Style Jutsu! -hits Naruto away to keep him away from falling-
Naruto: Gah! -poof-
Yamato: What?! A Shadow-Clone?! This is bad! -Starts rushing outside-
(Sasuke & Sakura Scene)
-They are both walking-
Sasuke: ...
Sakura: ...
Sasuke: ...
Sakura: -Sigh- ...So...
Sasuke: -Looks at her- ...?
-Naruto lands-
Naruto: Wait up Sasuke!!
Sasuke: -Turns around- ...What do YOU want?
Naruto: This time...I'll knock you out if I had to, to bring you back to your senses!!
Sasuke: Isn't that what you told me before? but you Failed.
Naruto: ...!
Sakura: (Darn it, Naruto, you're ruining my plan!! And now Sasuke will even suspect that I might have been trying to stall him until Naruto arrives...There's one way to make Sasuke trust me...)
Naruto: Sakura?! I'm glad you're ok...come over here!
Sakura: No...Naruto...
Naruto: Huh...?
Sakura: -Throws away the cloak- If you want to fight Sasuke...then you'll have to get through me first!!
Naruto: What?!
Sasuke: ?!
Naruto: This is crazy! Sakura come on!
Sakura: You always take me lightly, do you? Well, let me show you how serious I am!
Kakashi *While hiding behind a pillar*: (...Sakura is not a fool, she's too smart to leave Konoha behind, whatever the reason is, I know that it's gonna be good. I better wait and see...)
Sakura: Ready or not...Here I come!!! -Gets in fighting stance-
Naruto will be fighting Sakura?! Where will this battle lead to?!
Next Time: Fading Memories!
by: State of Naruto
Naruto 483: A Friend Now Your Pain
Starts off where it left
Sakura:(thinking) Sasuke reaps of madness and insanity, making my move won't be easy
Sasuke: Ha! The funny thing is you are leaving, I'm going back to the place where it all started..
Sakura: ?? What does that mean exactly.
Sasuke: I'm not running from Konoha anymore !!!
Sakura: (surprise/disbelief expression) Really ?? So the path of revenge you follow leads you back then ??
Sasuke: Thats right, the road I travel leads me back to the Leaf, back too the start with a new goal in mind. The path leads back home. you see ??
Sasuke: (with a deep dark senseless look on his face) My mayhem has only just began.
We have nothing in common. Our ambitions are different, you are vanishing I'm returning and the fact I dont have any feelings for you or anyone in Konoha, we have no business with each other.
Sakura: I'm here too assist you Sasuke. If your journey heads to Konoha so be it.
Sasuke: Like im going to believe that Sakura. Sakura, same old pink haired little foolish girl. Always falling behind, so you decided too take the lead and kill me.. I don't even need my Sharingan to see that. Its was only a matter of time before the leaf decided on killing me..
(Sasuke's insane look returns even worst than before) O well, looks like I have two to kill here now. Sasuke uses *chidori sharp spear*
(the spear hits Sakura right between the eye's.. POOF Sakura instantly disappears a replacement technique ..
(the real Sakura concealed herself upside down under the bridge)
Sasuke: Coming here Sakura, you most have known you were coming to your own death to come out so we can get it over with
Sakura:(hiden under bridge, Sakura begins to get cool feet) Only now (realizing) she made this decision on emotions alone. No concrete plan to kill Sasuke, (her thoughts begins to explode as she thinks about a possibly of escape from this nightmare she created).
Sakura: (terrified) I have got to get out of here (her body numbs over she is unable to move. (than the thought of Naruto and Kakashi sensei comes to mind),
Sakura: I cant live like this any longer always following them around. I just cant! I'd rather die here and now. I don't have a plan or the ability but I have the will too kill Sasuke. I'm not running no matter what.
Now lets see, my plan to have Sasuke's trust was a failure. just as I thought, Sasuke couldn't tell the replacement from the real thing, most likely he's low on chakra. Completely unable to use Sharingan. In his state I'd say he only has two more low level ninjutsu's left, then all his ninjutsu and genjutsu will be useless to him. But its still taijutsu, good thing Sai, Lee, and Kabi, are not here so if I fail only I will be killed.
Not good Sai clone is gone now and so is my (Being cut off by)
Naruto: Kakashi Sensei !!!!!!!!!!!
Kakashi: !! Naruto I knew you would follow me, but that that fast (thinking) what incredible speed
Naruto: No time to talk Sensei, I senses Sakura's Chakra, around 1 KM north from here
Kakashi: You senses ?? So that's how you trace me then.
Naruto: Yeah.. shes not alone. Two other's chakra are in that same place
Kakashi: Can you identify the other two, could one be Sasuke?
Naruto: One is too weak. I can't tell if its Sasuke or not, The other one is ...
Kakashi: The other one is what ??
Naruto: Anyway Sakura maybe in trouble, lets just hurry.
Sakura: (reappears) On the Bridge behind Sasuke
Sasuke: Finally come out of hiding ???
Sakura: (thinking) Hmm, he never saw my power. I should have the element of surprise (smashing the ground, creating a wave of earth headed straight for Sasuke)
Sasuke (shocked) at Sakura's power (jumps into the air) (dogging) the moving earth
Sakura (uses a smoke bomb to disappear) then reappearing in the sky above Sasuke
Sakura: agagagag (punching) with all her energy (the blow connects with Sasuke)sending him flying back to the ground, boof a piece of wood flys out
Sakura: (Landing) replacement .
Sasuke (reappears) Ha. It ends now, (meeting) Sakura with his sword throw the the gut
Sakura: Your right, i still see some sense in that head of yours
A seal release from Sakura's body traveled and throwed Sasuke's sword into his body without him knowing. The seal numbs over his body leaving him completely paralyzed.
Sakura: For this seal to work there must be a connection. The connection is his sword.
Sasuke (Sakura then unconcealed a bomb in her hand)
Sasuke (with a shocked frightened look) You idiot suicide is all you are doing !!!!!!!!!
Sakura: Your right Sasuke it ends now
Kakashi&Naruto (arrives)
Sakura's plan to kill Sasuke is suicide bombing.. CAN Kakashi and Naruto stop this madness ?? next time..
484: Love To The Death
by: Numinous
Naruto 483: Too Late
(Kakashi Scene)
(Kakashi arrives to Sai, Kiba and Lee’s location)
Kakashi: (thinking) So it was true, she used a sleeping powder bomb on them. (approaches them and wakes them up)
Kiba: (opens his eyes slowly) Kakashi-sensei? (gets up quickly, as the others rise up) Sai, you…!
Kakashi: Knock it off, guys.
Lee: But…
Sai: We need to find Sakura.
Kakashi: Right. Kiba, can you pick up her scent?
Kiba: She seems to be where I spotted Sasuke, although is already feign…
Kakashi: As I feared. Let’s go, lead the way Kiba.
Kiba: Alright, let’s go, Akamaru!
Akamaru: Woof! (Kiba rides Akamaru and the group moves on)
(Bridge Scene)
Sasuke: You’re as annoying as you were, back when I left Konoha…
Sakura: But I changed, Sasuke-kun! I don’t care about Konoha anymore, I realized that my place isn’t there, it’s with you, helping you with your revenge.
Sasuke: Hmpf. (turns his back on her)
Sakura: You have to believe me!
Sasuke: Do you even know what my goal is?
Sakura: No, bu-
Sasuke: I’ll destroy Konoha. (Sakura is shocked) I’m not the Sasuke you knew once. Now, or you make yourself useful or you’ll end up like her. (turns to Sakura and points to Karin)
Sakura: (looks at Karin, who as one eye opened; thinking) What’ve you done, Sasuke…? (speaking) I’m a medical nin, I can heal both of you.
Sasuke: She has no use for me anymore, leave her there. It’s better for her to die.
Karin: (thinking) Sasuke… how could you…
Sasuke: So unless you want to be disposed of, don’t get in my way, Sakura.
Sakura: Y-yes. (Madara reappears in a vortex)
Madara: What is the meaning of this?! She’s still alive and… a Konoha nin?!
Sasuke: I’m not the kind of being bossed around. Karin is totally oblivious to our plans, and Sakura will perform the same role.
Madara: (steps forwards Sakura) So your name is Sakura… first, get rid of that hideous thing on your hair.
Sakura: T-the headband? (she unties the headband and throws it to the floor) Happy?!
Madara: Quite. Second… (gets behind her and puts his face above her left shoulder) If you’re thinking you can trick us to whatever trap you and your Konoha buddies orchestrated, I’ll get rid of you. And trust me, it won’t be pretty. (a drop of sweat slides through Sakura’s face)
Sakura: I came here alone just to help Sasuke-kun.
Madara: Good girl. (steps away from her and gets closer to Sasuke) Danzou damaged Shisui’s eyes, a terrible loss.
Sasuke: That doesn’t concern me. Let’s go Sakura. (steps away)
Madara: The light of your eyes is fading away, Sasuke, and you fought two intensive battles in a row. Besides, I bet one of the Kage’s team will arrive anytime soon, after Danzou, but since you’re here, they’ll hunt you down. I don’t think you’re in any condition to fool the sensor nins.
Sasuke: I’ll only go with you to get a chance to rest.
Madara: I knew you’d come. But first… (expels Torune and Fuu from the vortex, and disappears with Sasuke and Sakura in another vortex)
(Yamato Scene)
(Yamato wakes up)
Yamato: Well, time to go back, Naruto.
Naruto: (gets up) Yes, let’s go.
Yamato: (thinking) Something’s wrong with him… (uses Mokuton on Naruto to knock him down, he disappears in a cloud of smoke) As I thought… Naruto, you knucklhead… (exits the room)
(Naruto Scene)
Naruto: Yamato-taichou knows that I got away. I must haste!
(Bridge Scene)
(Ao is picking Fuu up by his collar, Choujuurou is holding his blade near Torune’s neck and Mei is aiding Karin to get up)
Ao: (yelling to Fuu) Speak, you bastard! Where’s Danzou and the two Uchiha?
Fuu: I only know Danzou-sama is dead because Uchiha Madara captured his corpse into the dimension we were in and released it seconds later. I don’t know anything more.
Mei: We should go to the nearest town, this kunoichi needs medical attention.
(Kakashi, Kiba, Lee and Sai arrive)
Kakashi: (thinking) What the hell happened here?
Kiba: The scent trail ends here.
Sai: We’re too late.
Kakashi: I’m too late… again. (thinking) Another student of mine, gone. Why this keeps happening?
Chouujurou: Hey, isn’t that…
Ao: (drops Fuu and turns to Kakashi) The Copy Ninja, Hatake Kakashi.
Kakashi: I see my reputation precedes me. (speaks to Mei) Mizukage-dono, do you know what happened here?
Mei: (holding Karin) Not really, when me and my guards arrived only this two Konoha nin were here. They say that Danzou of Konoha is dead. Probably either Uchiha Madara or Uchiha Sasuke killed him.
Kiba: What?! Uchiha Madara? Are you nuts?
Kakashi: He’s that masked Akatsuki.
Kiba: What?! I fought Uchiha Madara? No way!
Kakashi: Hmmm, did someone actually Uchiha Sasuke leaving.
Torune: It was for a few seconds, but we saw Uchiha Madara leaving with him and a pink-haired kunoichi.
Lee: They kidnapped Sakura!
Sai: (spots something shiny near them) I don’t think so. (walks towards it and picks it up) It’s her headband. (gives it to Kakashi)
Kakashi: That means…
Ao: Someone’s coming.
Naruto: (appears abruptly in the bridge) Kakashi-sensei!
Ao: (thinking) What an huge chakra… he must be the Kyuubi’s Jinchuuriki.
Naruto: Where’s Sakura-chan?
Kakashi: She… (shows the headband to Naruto) She left Konoha to go with Sasuke. (Naruto is shocked)
Next Chapter: Strangeness
by: Sannyasin
Naruto 483: Killing in the Name of…
(Sasuke and Sakura scene)
Sasuke: Is that so Sakura?..Well and do you really think I need your help?
Sakura: Sasuke, I’m a medical ninja who was trained by Tsunade-sama, one of the three Sannins. There’s no doubt I’ll be useful to you.
Karin(to herself): What is going on here?
Sasuke: Then why now Sakura? Why do you want to help me now? I am not the same. I have big plans and I doubt you can keep up with me
(Naruto scene)
Naruto: I’m getting closer now to Kakashi-sensei but there’s something bugging me. I’m sensing a very strong chakra nearby. Who is it?
Anyway once I get to Kakashi he’ll give me details about what is going on.
(Kakashi scene)
Kakashi: So Sakura ran on her own to confront Sasuke…what is she thinking?
Sasuke is now in the dark path of revenge. He’ll kill anyone without remorse.
Just hope I can make it in time
Suddenly Kakashi senses a strong chakra coming. He stops and hides to see who is it.
Naruto arrives in Sage Mode.
Naruto: Kakashi! Come on out. It’s me Naruto.
Kakashi: Oh it’s you...what are you doing here? You’re supposed to be resting with Yamato.
Naruto: Well I ran away from him. But now is not the time to be worrying about that.What is going on Kakashi?
(Sasuke and Sakura scene)
Sakura: Sasuke just give me a chance. If I die then that’s it, I don’t want you to protect me. Just let me be by your side and help you.
Sasuke: Hmpf! As usual you insist. Very well then, I’m accepting your help Sakura
Sakura: Than…(interrupted by Sasuke)
Sasuke: But there’s one small test you have to take before joining me. Since you are a medical ninja, you must know very well how to kill someone without causing pain.
So I want you to kill Karin and end her suffering. If you don’t then you may leave.
(Kakashi and Naruto scene)
Naruto: So Sakura went to see Sasuke all alone?!´
Kakashi: I’m afraid so. Naruto there’s no time to lose. Let’s get going.
Naruto: You’re right. Well then I’ll be going first(Naruto just vanishes through the trees)
Kakashi: Sage mode…what power! You should be proud Minato-sensei
(Sasuke and Sakura scene)
Sakura: If that is what you wish then so be it.
Sakura applies chakra to her hand and gets ready to kill Karin when suddenly Naruto arrives!
Naruto: What the hell are you doing Sakura?
Sasuke: …
Sakura: Naruto…
Chapter ends
Naruto 483, Naruto 483 RAW, Naruto 483 Spoilers, Naruto Manga 483, Naruto 483 Predictions, Naruto 483 Narutocentral, Naruto 483 Onemanga, Naruto 483 NarutoFan, Bleach 388, Bleach 389, Bleach 390, Bleach 391, Bleach 393, Bleach 393, One Piece 575, One Piece 575, One Piece 576,
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